August 17, 2022 When we are not limited, we all thrive
August 27th at Greenmead
Three Livonia libraries
Sandburg, Bennett, Noble
Is it time to discuss the future of our three Livonia public libraries?
With the Noble Library having been closed for nearly 5 years discussion has started with residents and at least one city councilmember questioning what will happen to this Library and asking if the Sandburg Library should be included in a shifting of library resources to the Bennett Civic Center Library and closing of the two satellite libraries.

One Councilman, Rob Donovic, takes one side of the issue in an email to residents Greg and Charity Gould, in which he advocates for only one library.

"The city has three libraries, I’ve never thought that was a good idea, but that’s my personal opinion as a councilman and a resident. Communities similar in population and square mileage typically have one centralized strong modern library, while Livonia has three libraries, one of which has been closed down for years.

"As the city has discussions about its future, I thought it was an appropriate question to ask if it’s a smart idea to invest so many taxpayer dollars into a new HVAC system on a library that isn’t the main library, I still think it’s a fair question as that question has been brought to me by residents before. 

"I think a city our size, in today's world/ market, doesn’t need three libraries. Just because 'it’s always been that way' doesn’t make it reasonable to me. I think a strong, modernized, and centralized library is the best option as our community goes into the future, but that’s just a personal opinion. I look forward to seeing what the future brings!"

Greg and Charity Gould put forth their position on keeping Sandburg open.

"This library serves the northern part of Livonia and is one of the original libraries in the city. Many residents have memories of visiting Sandburg for school trips and now bring their children here as their preferred library. A large number of the patrons at Sandburg prefer to utilize this library as it is quieter, provides a better study area as well great service to our citizens. 

"Investment in something such as a roof or HVAC-related items are necessary and should not be overlooked as it was with Alfred Nobel. Nobel closed due to water ingress issues that were ignored and resulted in mold in the building making it unsafe for employees and patrons to occupy.

"Our City just built a beautiful {and expensive) DPW building that our Citizens don't ever go into. I am not saying that a new DPW building was not needed, but a small investment in the Roof/HVAC upgrades at Sandburg would not even touch the landscaping costs on the new DPW building."
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