What if nobody shows?
This is the time before a big project that I walk around the house, drive around our town, have dreams at night. What am I thinking?
What if no one shows up?
We have 42 Livonia organizations, 1,000 ears of corn, 600 cans of soda pop,200 bottles of water, 24 corn shucking volunteers.
I mean what if no one shows up?
My body suddenly accentuates every ache known to most 72-year-olds. There goes the ankle, the hip, the back.
I mean what if I don't show up.
And then the bodyguard looks at me across the dinner table and says "relax. This is just a neighborhood corn roast with a couple thousand of your nearest and dearest friends. You have a canopy with a chair saying "this chair is reserved for the typewriter."
She says I can sit there and eat my favorite corn, drink a special blend of your sweet tea, call out to your favorite people, and just have fun.
I guess she is right. No committee to report to. The organizations make it happen by introducing themselves to new friends. The Lions make it happen by preparing the corn. The Franklin National Honor Society, Clarenceville Basketball and Volleyball teams, AlphaUSA employees, the Rosedale Gardens Presbyterian Church youth group. They bring 24 volunteers.
My personal corn shucking brigade.
But I keep asking. What if nobody shows. Then I will have one heck of a lot of corn to freeze for the winter.
I do hope to see you on Sunday. Then I can say that night, 'Wow, did you see all the people having fun."