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Wednesday, February 14, 2024  Helping define Livonia's Quality of Life

Bill Joyner

Resilience and spirit sets Livonia apart

My hometown has shaped me into the person I am today. There is a blend in Livonia of traditional and modern progress. My parents, church, and neighborhood combined to teach me the values of unity, respect for diversity, and the importance of hard work.

Despite its challenges, Livonia inspires me with its resilience and spirit.

There are many reasons to love Livonia. It is the place where I grew up and spent a lot of time. I know the streets, the people, and the culture. Livonia is a place where I have many memories which are very powerful and not a day goes by in which I don't feel that there is a connection of some sort.

People who want to be a part of our community can be. This sense of community is very important and makes us feel like we belong. There are local traditions, restaurants, music, art, and culture.

 All of these are a source of pride and help with that sense of connectedness.

Think it. Say it. Share it. Love Livonia.

Conrad Schwatz, Former Livonia City Councilman

Thinking of Norman Rockwell as he watches people caring for others

So I never thought about this before but I was driving down my street the other day returning from my trip to Kroger and CVS and suddenly I thought of Norman Rockwell, the artist whose many paintings were a reflection of middle America.

As I approached my house, there was my neighbor, a widow shoveling snow as she has done many times since her husband passed. She waved at me. Another neighbor was walking back from the pick-up location for the school bus. She too waved at me.

I pulled into my driveway and suddenly there it was, the next cover of “Boys Life”, painted by Norman Rockwell, the magazine I read every month growing up. Imagine, an easel, a canvas and a painting of a simple street covered in snow, a bag of groceries, a school bus and people waving to each other as they perform the most important of tasks - caring for others.

We are pretty lucky, and that’s why I love Livonia.

Martha Ptashnik

Livonia City Council

Livonia holds a special place in my heart. From beautiful parks to close-knit community, there are countless aspects that make me love Livonia; abundance of green spaces and well-maintained parks provide a peaceful environment where I can relax while walking my dog.

 The thing I love most is the strong sense of community evidenced in local events. We have excellent schools, great restaurants, wonderful neighborhoods, and a wide range of local businesses.  I grew up, got married and raised my children here. Livonia feels like a place where I belong. Am grateful to call it home. 

Stephanie Young

State Representative

As an African-American Detroiter, now serving as one of Livonia’s three State Representatives, I must admit I wasn’t sure how I would be received, seeing there weren’t any other Black elected officials in the City at the time. 

It wasn’t until I had an opportunity to spend real quality time in Livonia that I was able to see first-hand how welcoming and progressive many residents were. 

People make the difference and I love the people working to make Livonia the best place it can be for all those who live, work, and play here. 

Pastor Kellie Whitlock

Rosedale Presbyterian Church

I love Livonia. Why? The people. We are a city but we live in a community. We are made up of neighborhoods but we call Livonia, "home." All are welcome here as we continue cultivating a thriving landscape of supportive care and bold vision.

Each of us has a unique opportunity to make a positive impact. In Livonia, we don't underestimate the power of one small act of kindness or a broad sweeping collaborative effort across city sectors. We are better together. Let us "encourage one another (Hebrews 10:25) as we step into the future with hope.

Brian Weiss, President, Livonia Kiwanis Early Risers

In late 2018, after rewiring a new thermostat, I found myself with a blown fuse. I hauled it over to Kodet True Value, where the cashier eagerly produced a box of assorted-sized fuses, handed me 2 fuses, and said "Don't worry about paying. I'm the owner's son. Congratulations on the new home."  

It's hard not to love Livonia's small businesses - many of whom make you feel like family. Recently, I have found myself eagerly awaiting delivery days from Toi's Caribbean Baking, the best doughnuts ever, or enjoying personal recommendations from the incredible staff at Zerbo's Market.  

Karen Bradford

Livonia School Board

I love Livonia for many reasons but one specific reason is very near and dear to my heart.

We have the BEST school district in the State; Livonia Public Schools! We have the BEST community support for our schools. We have the BEST teachers and staff teaching our learners.

We have the BEST families choosing to send their children to our schools.

 And finally, we have the very BEST students! This is why I love Livonia!

Brandon McCullough

Livonia City Council

Livonia is more than just a geographical location; it’s an assortment of culture, history, and community that shapes the lives of its residents.

For me, Livonia is not just a place to reside; it’s a source of inspiration, a repository of memories, and THE place to raise families. I love Livonia and how it has become an integral part of my identity and my family's identify, watching Harps grow up in the same footprints is proof of this life model. 

Livonia embodies a strong sense of community, something that cannot be matched.

Delisha Upshaw

Development Manager Detroit Historical Society

One of the things I love about Livonia is our great parks and public spaces.  

Our first home was near Wilson Barn. It was home to some of our very first family traditions and my most cherished new-mommy memories - little costumes for first Halloweens, both girls choosing their first pumpkins, pony rides, hot cocoa and Christmas carols.

They’ve since outgrown these activities but we still love visiting the small businesses there in the summer for hand-made treasures and fresh blueberries!

Carrie Budzinski Livonia City Council

Livonia, where people who care can make a difference

I love that Livonia has so many people who are stepping up for the causes they are passionate about. It’s easy to see problems and wait for them to be fixed by someone else but we have folks who aren’t waiting, they’re acting.

Laura Jannika and the Noble Warriors host incredible events that speak to people who are coming out specifically for this cause, Michelle Nixon has brought together the Livonia arts community allowing organizations that have been operating for decades in our city to work together and reach more people with Friends of Livonia Arts, AccessLivoniaNOW is raising awareness about how we can be a more thoughtful community through advocacy and organizing, Delisha Upshaw and Steve Spreitzer do similar work with L.E.A.R.N., Sami McKay and Susan Landmesser-Cohl inspire people to give and engage in acts of kindness with their respective organizations D.O. it for Denny and You Are Loved, and Steve Alexander recently created the Livonia Veterans Connection to get a better understanding of how our community can serve its heroes.

I love that Livonia is a city where you can lead with your heart and make a difference.

Kathy Ventittelli

The BodyGuard

In my six years as a Livonia resident, I’ve rubbed shoulders with a lot of folks who also call Livonia home.

Yes, Livonia offers great services, affordable housing, safe neighborhoods, convenient shopping, etc. But it’s the residents themselves who give the City its great spirit.

I’ve learned that Livonians … 

· Work hard

· Like to have fun

· Care about their families

· Look out for each other

· Make great neighbors

· Are quick to contribute their time, energy, money and hearts to their community

· Take pride in the City’s growth and development

· Appreciate and honor the past

· Are always asking: “How can we make things better?”

Laurie Pohutsky

State Representative

The thing I love most about Livonia are the people who have decided to call it home and, even more than that, invest in making it a place they want to continue to call home.

It’s incredibly easy to hope things will change in a community; it can be daunting and overwhelming to actually change them.

Yet that’s just what Livonia residents do.

Whether it’s the folks at Alpha USA who continuously give back to the community, or groups like LEARN who promote antiracism and diversity,

Livonia is filled with people who want to see our city grow and thrive. It's inspiring and makes me love our city even more.

Crystal Frank

Livonia School Board

My husband and I CHOSE to raise our family in Lovinia, we were not born here. The biggest blessing of choosing Livonia has been the PEOPLE! I have been surprised by the genuine, welcoming, smart, wise, loving, creative, fun, hardworking, thoughtful, loyal, and devoted people in our city. 

The PEOPLE make Livonia the wonderful hometown it is. Although Livonia is the 8th largest city in Michigan, it feels like a small community. People are kind when you see them at games, in the schools, at the store, or in the library. Kindness matters! 

Livonia Public Schools is another one of the greatest reasons why I love Livonia. It is an unparalleled public school experience. I am so proud of the work the LPS team does!

Betsy Calhoun, Historic Preservation Commission Greenleaf Commission on Sustainability

Livonia is a safe, stable community. But it could be better. I love that there are residents who buck the status quo and reach for that ring. Putting themselves out there to advocate for change, even running for elected positions. The willingness to get outside their own bubble and advocate for a seat at the table for all is priceless: for those of color, with disabilities, different sexual or gender orientations. Livonians who care are providing and advocating for the arts, history, our environment and social justice. It gives me hope for humanity; an important ingredient in these divided and politically charged times.

Joe Johnston

Director, 2024

Shakespeare in the Park

I love Livonia because it is a diverse community that is 100% committed to the arts, backed up by the generosity required to be 100% committed to the arts.

Fine arts, performing arts, even martial arts! We have everything here: visual and martial arts at the Rec Center and private businesses like PKSA and Art 101.

Theatrical arts from Livonia Community Theatre (with camps and Shakespeare in the Park), Motor City Youth Theatre, Churchill’s CAPA, and the Franklin Players. Music from our own legit SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Livonia Community Chorus, college programs, numerous churches, and private businesses like Cameron’s Music, and Brian Haverkate Music.

Dance from Livonia Civic Ballet and private businesses like Debbie Felton’s Academy of Dance and Angie Hahn’s Academy of Dance.

These mentions barely scratch the surface! Art lives in Livonia, and Livonia is committed to the arts, and that’s why I love it.

Laura Toy

Livonia City Council

Our city services. Small businesses, convenient shopping.

Neighborhoods and our people.

Endless activities. Our Parks. Good housing stock. Senior Services.

Spree. Education.

Our location to convenient expressways. Health Services. Many Church’s.

Friendly Involvement. Service Clubs. Arts.

Dan MacIver

Financial & Portfolio Advisers

There are so many reasons to love Livonia!

It all goes back to my childhood and seeing so many around me pay it forward to others around them. My mom was a proud example of this, as I saw her dedicate night and weekends volunteering all around the City!

With my Livonia life experiences, I can honestly say its schools and being a small business owner gave me the ability to give back to this community in ways I could never have imagined as a kid!

I love walking into community functions and seeing all of our leaders continue the ongoing mission of improving our amazing City each and every day!

Steve Alexander

President Clement Circle Homeowners

I have traveled a whole lot and have lived in various places across the US and Japan, mostly in small towns.

However, I have never seen neighbors helping neighbors like I do in Livonia.

We know this is a big city with a small-town heart. With people who are very active.

But it’s the fact that people will stop what they are doing to help their neighbors, without question, that really makes Livonia be such a fantastic place to live.

Our neighbors, that is why I love Livonia.

That is what brings the next generation back to buy houses here.

Michelle Nixon

Friends of Livonia Art

I love that Livonia is alive!

1992 held Slip and Slide summers, dance lessons at Bentley, Spree wristbands, first friendships, and school experiences prepared me to explore the broader world. 

My childhood memories were here, but assuming I had outgrown my hometown, I prepared to put down roots wherever I might land (spoiler: I ended up right back here).

Livonia has a way of changing alongside its citizens - we learn more so we do more, we share ideas and compromise, we grow as people and Livonia always manages to keep up.

Living here means I get to keep my best memories close and nurture the evolving relationship I have with this living, breathing community.

Sami McKay

D.O. it for Denny

In 2018 I started planning kindness projects in honor of my Uncle Denny O’Neill. The Livonia community stepped up to help from the very beginning. As our projects grow, so does our support from this community.

Now, as we are becoming a 501c3, we are equipped to make real change here in Livonia and surrounding areas.

None of this would be possible without the unwavering support from the people here in Livonia! We will forever be grateful to this community!