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FridayMusings since 2003

Friday March 1, 2024  

Helping define Livonia's Quality of Life

Yesterday is over. Change is the essence of life.

20 years publishing FridayMusings without bias but not without opinion

The Livonia generosity spirit is not confined to a one season; rather, it can permeate our lives year-round. Livonia is known for carrying the essence of generosity throughout the year.

This past December Rosedale Gardens Presbyterian Church with the help of the Hardies Family Trust who provided $5,000, partnered with the Livonia Police and Livonia Fire Departments, pictured above, to provide Blessing Bags to those working Christmas Eve at Trinity, AKA St. Mary, Hospital. 500 bags. This is a Rosedale tradition that has embodied the spirit of Christmas for many years.

We have groups of caring individuals, D.O. It for Denny, Blessings in a Backpack-Livonia, Sleep in Heavenly Peace, You Are Loved, and Livonia Kids & Families among so many human service volunteer organizations in our hometown that have the spirit of giving year around.

Check them out and help them out while helping Livonia residents out.

And Livonia is home to Anastasia and Katie’s Coffee Shop & Cafe an employment program of Mi Work Matters. Employees with and without developmental disabilities receive job training and on-site support.

Check them out and help them out while helping Livonia residents out.

Add to that list the community-spirited work of the Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary Noon, Rotary AM, and Jaycees.

Check them out and help them out while helping Livonia residents out.

If I do not list all it is a sin of omission, not commission. No slight intended.

Livonia year-round practices generosity. We are generous with our time, resources, and finances. We are a town that shares hope with others who are in anguish or gloom. There is not a day that goes by that our neighbors don't reach out to someone in distress.

By reaching out and touching the lives of those less fortunate or in need we are connecting and encouraging one another. The spirit is not reserved for a specific time of year but rather for a lifetime.

Thanks to Rosedale Gardens Presbyterian Church for sharing this picture as a reminder to this typewriter that we live in a community, a hometown, and that despite all that we have going on in our lives we still find time to reach out and touch the lives of those in need.

Bentley High School Marker dedication all set for September 15

Mayor Maureen Miller Brosnan and Superintendent Andrea Oquist have been invited to speak. Steve King, a Bentley graduate will be leading us in the National Anthem. Bentley graduate Wayne County Commissioner Terry Marecki will present a proclamation recognizing Bentley High School. Parks and Recreation is set for the marker installation.

We are set for 5:00 on September 15th for the long-awaited Michigan Historical Marker honoring the history of Bentley, Livonia's first High School,

As plans are being developed, Jim McConnell, President of the Livonia Historical Society, and the driving force for obtaining the marker, a drive that started over a year ago, is hoping that Bentley graduates and in fact, all of the Livonia community will consider coming out to acknowledge the role Bentley High School played in creating a hometown dedicated to quality public education.

As chair of the Marker Dedication, a marker that residents donated $7,000 to bring to fruition, the cost to the State for producing the historical marker, this typewriter is asking for some additional help:

It would be great if there was a Bentley graduate who would provide the landscaping design and implementation so that the entire placement would be provided by those who attended Bentley. If you are a landscape company or individual drop a dime and let me know at [email protected].

It would also be great if there was a Bentley graduate or Bentley supporter who would like to step up and provide refreshments for the mingling and celebration that will take place after the dedication.Drop a dime and let me know at [email protected].

Our Livonia Jaycees want to celebrate the deliciousness that is pizza by announcing their Livonia Jaycee Pizza Guide as nominated by their social media community.

Here are the top pizza places in Livonia:











Please note that these rankings were based on the feedback and recommendations from their social media community. If you haven’t had the chance to try these pizza places yet, we recommend giving them a try.

Let your taste buds be the judge!

The bodyguard and typewriter thoroughly enjoy the Annual, Maybe This Year, Whenever We Feel Like it. So Let's Do It This Year Bake Sale. We like the sense of community, fun discussions, meeting new people and the funding raised from a simple bake sale in our front yard.

I enjoy the memories of people calling and reserving my mom's famous Rum Cakes, the Chorus singing Happy Birthday to my next door neighbor on her 90th Birthday. The $7,000 raised at the last 4 Bake Sales.

The dozens of people who donate baked goods and the dozens of people who stop by, and the great group of volunteers who cheerily greet folks.

So mark your calendar for May 4th and come on out and visit the Musings Estate to support the Friends of Livonia Arts. Details to follow.

It's official. Tlaib files for re-election.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib says she submitted her petitions for the 2024 re-election campaign!

"With over 30 volunteers and one of the hardest working campaign teams, we submitted the required signatures today.

"Thank you to every single resident who signed our petitions. So grateful for our volunteers and team members."

This dream guitar, a Warwick Star Bass II, amplifier, speaker cabinet and flight case can be yours.

The Clarenceville High School Marching Band Raffle

Delisha Upshaw Honored during Black History Month Celebration

The Michigan Legislative Black Caucus honored Delisha Upshaw, with their Advocate of the Year award during their annual Black History Month Celebration on Friday at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History.

State Representative Stephanie A. Young presented the award, along with a donation to support her work!

Livonia Historical Society features “The Mackinac Bridge:

Connecting Two Peninsulas and One People

Join members and friends of the Livonia Historical Society on Mon, March 18, at 2 p.m., to listen to Jim Cameron trace the story of the Mackinac Bridge. Its 1957 opening brought a direct link between our two peninsulas together. The program will be held in the Alexander Blue House, Greenmead Historical Park,

Cameron taught history at Saline High School for many years, leaving the district to become the Social Studies Consultant for the Michigan Department of Education. He has served as executive director of the Michigan Council for History Education as well as the National Council for History Education. He now serves as President of the Michigan Oral History Association (MOHA).

Founded in 1956, the Livonia Historical Society's mission is to help Livonians learn about the community's history. The Society has played a leading role in the creation of Greenmead Historical Park and continues to help preserve this historic setting for the future.

The Historical Society of Michigan honored the Livonia Society as the “Outstanding Local Historical Society” in 2023. Check out the web page and LHS Facebook. To join or for information, visit

Mail Address

19514 Bainbridge 48152

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[email protected]

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The typewriter is not available for phone calls or emails Saturday and Sunday. Mental health and rehabilitation time. Out and about enjoying life.

What motivates FridayMusings:

We can't only define Livonia as taking small steps toward maintaining the way things were. That will give us mediocre outcomes. Our goal needs to be innovative and transformative.

Candidates filing or announcing to run in 2024 election

United States Congress

1 elected in November

Rashida Tlaib (D-I)

Rashida Tlaib for Congress | Rooted in Community (

Linda Sawyer (R)


State Representative

District 22

Matt Koleszar (D-I)

Re-elect Matt Koleszar as your Michigan state representative (

Adam Stathakis (R)

Adam Stathakis for State Representative (

Christian Charette (R)

Christian Charette for State Representative (

Schoolcraft College

3 elected in November

Dillon Breen (I)

Angela Jaafar (I)

Candy Little (I)

Joan Gebhardt

Livonia District Court

1 elected in November

Jim Jolly

Jim Jolly for 16th District Court Judge (

Robin Persiconi

Robin Persiconi for 16th District Court Judge (

Adam Stathakis announces for State Representative opposing Koleszar

In the last issue of FridayMusings we ran an announcement that State Representative Matt Koleszar (D) had filed for re-election in the 22nd District. Previously Musings has run the announcement from Christian Charette (R) who also is running for the 22nd District. Today we run the announcement from Adam Stathakis (R) another candidate for the 22nd District.

Local business operator Adam Stathakis announces today that he is running for the Michigan House of Representatives in the 22nd District that spans Northville, Northville Township, Plymouth, Plymouth Township, and part of Western Livonia.

“I am running as a first time candidate to fight in Lansing for the hard-working people of Western Wayne County”, Stathakis said.

“The upcoming 2024 election is a turning point for Michigan and the stakes have never been higher. Either we wrestle back power in Democrat controlled Lansing, or we continue to watch our State slide further down its current path of inflation, higher taxes, free speech oppression, neglected senior citizens, and increased crime.

“I am a get-things-done conservative, and I will work tirelessly for the families of District 22, just like I work everyday in my own family business”

Stathakis was raised in Northville and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Accounting from Hillsdale College.

Adam resides in Livonia and is an active volunteer, girls high school hockey coach, and leader in his community. He is seeking the Republican nomination in the August 06, 2024 primary election.

Editors note: Stathakis starts the campaign off with a $100,000 loan to the campaign and currently has over $102,000 available for the primary campaign in August.