Dear colleagues, customers and friends,

"Advisors have relationships with such a collection of wonderful, successful people, and part of what makes our country so great are all the stories of their success. At a time of such polarization, it is terrible when their stories are not known."

That's a quote from a recent conversation with an advisor excited about introducing the Life Legacy Cards to her clients. Having witnessed the way people instantly respond to them, I appreciated her enthusiasm, but what touched me most was her comment that they could make a difference in a polarized world.

In these fraught and divided times, what we communicate to each other - or fail to communicate - matters a lot. Whether in a family, an institution or a country, what we say to each other can either distort and destroy or bind and mend. The stakes are always high, but they seem especially so now.

My aim is to 'bind and mend,' by providing easily accessible avenues for connection and communication that provide clarity, insight, knowledge, understanding, empathy, inspiration and mutual respect.

If this is what you want for yourself, your clients or your team this year, I'd love to help you get there.

To your health and prosperity in the year ahead,
If you or a client are looking for an up-to-date overview of ethical wills and letters of wishes, this two-part podcast will serve as a great introduction or refresher. It was a pleasure to be the guest of Boston estate and elder law attorney Harry Margolis on his "Ask Harry" podcast late year.
This second podcast was taped following a presentation I was invited to give for Lexington Wealth Management's Empower Women Series. The topic: Legacy and the value of intentional communication as part of an estate plan.
A two-hour ethical will workshop
January 18: 1:00-3:00 pm ET
March 1: 7:00-9:00 pm ET

Write a 1-2 page letter in this comfortable, interactive on-line workshop. We'll give you the structure and the time to create a loving, helpful and timeless message for those
you love. It will feel really good
to do it, I promise.

$50.00 per person
Registration deadline:
48 hours in advance
  • Intro to Ethical Wills: The Legacy of Expressing Love and Values
  • Your History, Your Values: Sharing the Story Behind the Money
  • Embracing Your Inner Matriarch: For women of all generations
  • What Their Stories Reveal: A Story-based Approach for Understanding Clients' Values

Across Generations: A Five Step Guide for Creating an Expression of Donor Intent

FYI: On a limited basis, I provide hourly coaching services for people who are committed to writing their own personal legacy documents, and who would find it helpful to have an accountability partner to help them plan and complete their letters.

Life Legacy Cards
Life Legacy Conversations Cards