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To some extent Lanny J. Davis [born 1945; Yale B.A., cum laude; Yale J.D.] is the secular clergyman and Sherpa operating on the steep slopes of the once moderate Democrat Party. The attorney, crisis manager, consultant, author, and television commentator penned an opinion piece following the November 5 Democrat election freefall.


By publicly predicting a “Kamala Harris win and maybe a landslide sweep of most of the dead-heat swing states,” Davis openly displayed his lack of insight into the Democratic Party’s real structural and core issues.


He wrote, “It’s time we liberal Democrats faced up to the truth. We have become the party of intolerance and shaming, and many ordinary Americans who once reliably voted Democratic and shared our Franklin Roosevelt-era liberalism that viewed government as a force for good now look at us as out-of-touch elites. And worse, as controlling scolds.


We need to self-reflect on the fear we have created within our own ranks of saying and writing what we really think and feel out of fear of political and social ostracism and, honestly, of shaming by the base of our party ... I saw it happen to my law school friend, Hillary Rodham Clinton when she ran for president ...


I am sympathetic, empathetic, to those who suffer from the feeling they have two genders - one hidden inside, the other marked by physical characteristics on the outside.”1


But unfortunately as American Founder John Adams noted, “Facts are stubborn things, and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”


For example, take the newly elected transgender congressman from Delaware in the upcoming 119th Congress, Tim McBride. Here we have a biological man suffering from gender dysphoria who calls himself a woman, by the name of Sarah McBride. His mental affliction required Speaker Mike Johnson last week to broadcast aloud facts easily attained from elementary biology:


A man is a man, and a woman is a woman. And a man cannot become a woman. It is important to note that each Member’s office has its own private restroom, and unisex restrooms are available throughout the Capitol. Women deserve women’s only spaces.”2


This seems as good of a place as any to bring up Peggy Noonan [born 1950], the weekly columnist for The Wall Street Journal and former speechwriter for President Ronald Reagan, who wondered aloud following the November 5 election: “What are Democrats and what do they stand for?


When I was a kid they were the party of the working man, the little guy. That’s the Trumpian GOP now. When I was a young woman they were the antiwar party. That’s the Trumpian GOP. The party of generous spending? The Trumpian party says hold my beer. What belief do the Democrats hold that distinguishes them? LGBTQ, woke, gender theory, teachers unions, higher taxes? Why not throw in cholera and chlamydia?


That chord [President-Elect Trump] was trying to hit - and tried to hit in late rallies - is one America yearns to hear. They want the old sense that their kids are being launched into a society and culture that’s healthy and vital.”3


This brings us to the crux of the Democratic Party’s problem in America.


It goes first of all without saying that a “healthy and vital” culture will be completely unlike the current infernal cultural concoction devised by secularism’s government education bureaucrats, agnostic evangelists, and godless secular emissaries. One way to make sure that the education of America’s youth will fail is to continue the twisted manipulation and distortion of sanity, normalcy and common sense through 1) men sashaying around the White House in pantyhose and high heels, 2) a Supreme Court Justice’s inability or unwillingness to define the word ‘woman’, and 3) UC Berkeley School of Law professors dragooning the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee with their absurd assertion that trans men are capable of pregnancy.


Democrats have multiple spiritual problems. All such inane ideologies like Critical Race Theory, DEI, homosexual and gender dysphoria, race division, and indoctrinating children to hate America and hate each other are destructive, dissolute and debased, and so far apart as to be irreconcilable with the American Founders’ precept of a nation founded for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith.


Charles Spurgeon [1834-1892], England’s Prince of Preachers, pointed to contemporary public education as engendering the complete inability “to comprehend the things of God; a swine may sooner look through a telescope at the stars than this man study the Word of God to understand the righteousness of the Lord.”


Noah Webster [1758-1843], generally considered the Father of American Education and the Schoolmaster of the Republic, was a staunch advocate of integrating Christian principles into education. His philosophy centered on the principle that moral and spiritual development was essential for sustainable freedom. In his own words, “Education is useless without the Bible.”


Founder Webster authored spelling books, readers, and grammar, including his famous Blue-Backed Speller. This book incorporated biblical lessons and moral teachings as he emphasized that the success of American democracy depended on a population that understood and adhered to Christian values.


In his opposition to secularism, Webster strongly opposed the idea of separating education from religious instruction, arguing that removal of the Bible from public education would lead to moral decay and societal instability. How right he was is shown by the disturbing level of depravity of contemporary culture, which is but the public manifestation of secularists’ takeover, domination, and evangelization of America’s youth over the last 80 years or so.

During the American Renewal Project’s Orlando pastor event of August 11, 2016, Donald J. Trump said that the Johnson Amendment had “neutered” America’s pastors. He pledged to address this issue by rescinding the amendment, if elected. He kept his word.




In the 2024 election, President-Elect Donald Trump announced his commitment to closing the Department of Education, removing its public education monopoly, and firing government education bureaucrats. In response to this we wrote that the result would be a “rocket booster launching America into the next century.”




Let’s pray that, as Gideons and Rahabs are entering America’s public square, President Trump will keep his word.


David Lane

American Renewal Project



2. www.christianpost.com/news/trans-lawmaker-wont-use-womens-bathrooms-on-capitol-hill.html?utm_source=Daily&utm_campaign=Daily&utm_medium=newsletter

3. www.wsj.com/opinion/a-triumph-for-trumps-republicans-election-2024-america-becoming-more-conservative-048e54c5