Meet the Candidates

Khalid Alnajar

Khalid Alnajar is a successful businessman and community leader. He has been a long-time member of the Clifton Mosque and brings new and exciting ideas and strategies to our board and our community.

Waleed Alnajar

As a long-time resident of Cincinnati and an active member of the local Muslim community, I am honored to be nominated to serve on the board of the Islamic Association of Cincinnati. I bring a diverse background in real estate, property management, and business development, as well as a deep passion for community service. I strive to apply my skills in organizational management and community-building to support the masjid’s mission.

Vision for the future of the masjid: As a father, I deeply understand the importance of having a school that provides our children with a strong foundation in both academic and Islamic education. My vision is to contribute to the development of a school at the masjid, ensuring that the next generation has the resources they need to grow into knowledgeable and empowered individuals.

Samir Chandiwala

Samir Chandiwala, is a graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology with a degree in Chemical Engineering and over twenty years of professional experience at Procter & Gamble where he is currently a Data Science Director . Samir was born in California and spent most of his formative years in the southeast states. He was on the board of

the masjid in Augusta, Georgia for several years before moving to Cincinnati. He has been in Cincinnati since 2007 and has been active

in the Islamic community first in West Chester, where he used to live and now in Clifton. Samir has been on the Board as secretary the last four years and led some education events. Samir loves attending community events and classes at Clifton Mosque and the welcoming warmth of the Clifton community.

Vision for masjid: An active community that fills the social and spiritual needs of everyone at the Clifton masjid. A key component to deliver this goal is to have a strong and capable Imam that is versed

in Islamic knowledge and community building. We must also foster a supportive atmosphere to enable volunteers and community members to build a community that embodies the beauty of the Quran and the Sunnah.

Mohamed Gueye

My name is Mohamed Gueye, and I’m excited to share a bit about myself and my vision for our community. As someone studying cybersecurity and preparing for an internship at Amazon, I’m deeply invested in the future of our youth and the strength of our community. I also volunteer in various roles, including security, food pantry support, and event planning, and I proudly serve as the captain of the Clifton Mosque soccer team.

1. Strength in Numbers and Shared Values: 

Together, we have the power to amplify our voices and tackle social, political, and economic challenges. By fostering collective action, we can advocate more effectively and support one another. I plan to reach out to our community scholars to engage with us at the masjid. Their reflections on the Quran and Hadith can guide us in promoting mutual understanding and support. Through religious education and contemporary guidance, we can strengthen our bonds and collaborate more deeply across our diverse community.

2. Parents and Children:  

It’s essential for parents to deepen their understanding of Islam so they can impart its values to their children. This not only builds a strong spiritual foundation but also helps children develop a sense of identity and belonging within our faith. Regular attendance at the masjid creates a nurturing environment, enriching their understanding and offering opportunities for social connections and shared experiences.

3. Youth Engagement:  

Let’s focus on empowering our youth! By engaging them in business and technology, we can equip them with vital skills for today’s job market, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. Furthermore, connecting them with professionals and scholars can create invaluable networking opportunities, paving the way for mentorship and career paths.

4. Health and Well-being:  

Promoting physical activity is crucial for healthier lifestyles within our community. Sports can engage our younger generations, providing positive outlets for their energy while instilling teamwork and discipline. Let’s come together through sports events, celebrating our diversity and building connections across backgrounds.

5. United Ummah:  

In a world where we may face challenges, unity is our strength. Our community is rich with diverse cultures and traditions, and together, we can foster resilience, security, and belonging. Participating in communal prayers, celebrations, and religious practices enhances our spiritual growth and reinforces our faith. Let’s bridge our differences through dialogue and reconciliation, ensuring that our unity is a source of strength rather than division.

Together, we can build a vibrant, supportive community that reflects our shared values and aspirations. Thank you for being a part of this journey.

Yousef Hamdan

A dedicated member of the Cincinnati community, Yousef Hamdan is an engineering graduate from the University of Cincinnati and currently works as a senior project engineer in one of the largest construction companies in the metropolitan area. Originally from Palestine, Yousef has called Cincinnati home for the past ten years, during which he has actively sought to engage with and uplift the Muslim community.

He previously led the boys' youth club at the masjid, reflecting his passion for mentoring young individuals and fostering leadership skills among the youth. As a son, husband and a brother, he deeply values family and believes in the importance of building strong community ties.

Yousef is enthusiastic about contributing his skills in project management and strategic planning to enhance the masjid’s offerings and strengthen the bonds within the community. He envisions a vibrant future for the Clifton Masjid, where all members can thrive and participate fully in a supportive environment.

Ideas for the Future of the Masjid:

I am passionate about enhancing community engagement and ensuring that the masjid serves as a welcoming space for everyone. My vision includes:

Reviving the Boys' Youth Club: I aim to establish a dynamic youth club as a lifelong mission to foster leadership, friendship, and personal growth among young boys in the community. Activities will include mentorship opportunities, skill-building workshops, and community service projects that encourage collaboration and teamwork. I want to create a sustainable program that continuously nurtures the next generation of leaders.

Support Programs for Reverts: I plan to implement a comprehensive program to support reverts, recognizing their unique challenges and needs. This will include:

Mentorship Initiatives: Pairing reverts with established members of the masjid to provide guidance, encouragement, and friendship as they navigate their spiritual journeys.

Buddy System: Assigning a "buddy" to each revert, ensuring they have someone to accompany them during prayers and events, helping them feel more connected and involved.

Dedicated Halaqas: Creating regular Halaqas specifically designed for reverts to address their questions, concerns, and experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of Islam and community life.


Community Engagement Opportunities: I will develop programs that encourage reverts and youth to take active roles in masjid activities, such as organizing events, leading discussions, and participating in community service. This approach will empower them and reinforce their sense of belonging.


Educational Workshops: I plan to host workshops tailored to the experiences of reverts and youth, focusing on topics such as Islamic teachings, personal development, and effective community engagement. These workshops will provide valuable resources and skills to help individuals grow both spiritually and socially.


Inclusive Events: I will organize community events that cater to diverse interests and backgrounds, ensuring that everyone feels valued and included in the masjid’s activities. This may include cultural celebrations, interfaith dialogues, and family-oriented events.


Recruiting an Imam: I am committed to helping where needed in the recruitment of an imam for the masjid, ensuring that we have strong spiritual leadership to guide our community.


Through these initiatives, I aim to cultivate a thriving environment at the Clifton Masjid, where everyone feels empowered to contribute, grow, and support one another in their spiritual journeys.

Anas Malik

Anas Malik has been a member of the Clifton and Cincinnati community for over two decades. He serves on the Imam Search Committee, on the steering committee of Faith Communities Go Green, and is an educator. His goals are to make our community welcoming, respectful and kind to all, and to act on social and environmental issues with Muslims and others of good will.

Swiyyah Rush

I have been a part of this community for nearly 30 years. I have served on several committees and always tried to lend a helping hand when needed. Throughout the years, I have gained experience as a wife, mother, caretaker, business owner, and employee at General Electric for over 35 years. After being retired for a decade, I am ready to commit myself to the role of an elected board member, insha'Allah. Our community is constantly evolving, growing, and becoming more diverse. As a black American Muslim woman, I believe I can effectively connect and communicate with many individuals, and represent their concerns to the board.

Riyad Shamma

Born and raised in Cincinnati, I have always loved our community. I founded the Institute of Youth Development and Excellence (IYDE) in 2007 with the desire to support and enhance organizations in their ability to develop and nurture youth. I have a lifelong passion for youth development and building others. I have served on both IAC and IEC boards in decades past and continue to work to support the community.

My vision for the future of our masjid is a nurturing and welcoming community that brings people in and makes them want to stay connected. We need to understand the individual needs and how to best fulfill them given the diversity of culture, age, education, interests and phase of life.

Imam Ayman Soliman

Imam Ayman Soliman received his Islamic education in Islamic studies, both formal and informal, in Egypt. He holds undergrad degrees in Islamic studies, Qura'n and Islamic Da'wah. Later he received a Master's degree in Islamic Studies and is currently pursuing a Master's of Divinity (MDIV) in Islamic Studies and Muslim Chaplaincy as well as a PhD in Islamic Studies. He served as an Imam in Egypt for 14 years before moving to the US 10 years ago. In the US, he served as an imam, director of religious affairs and youth director in several Islamic centers. He has served as the Muslim chaplain at Northwestern University, the Muslim chaplain in the prison system, and currently serves as the imam and Muslim Chaplain at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. He was an elected board member of Aljame'ya Alshare'ya in Egypt for 10 years before moving to the US. Most recently, he was elected to serve as a board member of the Initiative on Islam and Medicine. 

He is a member of the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America, the Association of Muslim Chaplains, and the North America Imams Federation.

Ideas and vision:

-To develope educational programs and activities that cater for the needs of our community members in every age group. 

-Empower the youth in our community through youth programs that address their needs and enhance their belonging to their Muslim faith.

--Advocate for the hire of a highly qualified full time imam.

-Utilize the diverse expertise in our community to uplift the mosque through volunteering, committees membership and decision making.

 -Build bridges and collaborate with the other Muslim institutions in the area to benefit the Muslim community at large.

Dr. Zeeshan Tayeb

Zeeshan Tayeb is a native of Cincinnati and attended Sunday school over 20 years in the original Clifton Mosque house. He is now a practicing physician, and nationally-renowned instructor, in the field of Pain Management.

Since moving back to Cincinnati after doctoral training in 2011, he has been an active member of the Clifton's Muslim community. He has served on the Election Committee and Interim Board for Clifton Mosque in 2013. Also served on the board from 2015-2018 as Chairman of Board and from 2019-2021 as Vice-President.

In the past, he chaired the By-Laws Committee while also volunteering on several other committees. His family lives within walking distance of the mosque, allowing him to attend daily prayers there. 

Things that he would be able to bring to the community is education - classes, outside speakers, different programs. 

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