Greetings ,
Many people believe that the BTER Foundation exists primarily for health care professionals. Indeed, the majority of our members are doctors, nurses, physical therapists, and other health care professionals or researchers. But our mission extends to helping patients and the general public, which is why many of our members and followers are not health care professionals at all.
What's more, we health care professionals need you non-professionals to help us help you. We need to hear your experiences and expectations regarding biotherapy, in order to serve your better.
Therefore, we are looking for patients, recipients, and non-professional care givers with experience in biotherapy to share those experiences with us, on a future episode of BioTherapy Live! If you are a patient or former patient or friend/relative of a patient, please share your experience with us - good or bad.
If you are a health care professional, please invite your current and former biotherapy patients to share their stories with us (and let them know that we don't bite, either).
Maggot therapy, leech therapy, helminthic therapy, BVT, or other biotherapy . . . we are looking forward to hearing from you in the coming weeks.
Advancing healthcare through education and research in biotherapy,