February, 2023

Volume 19, Issue 01

Director's Letter

Greetings ,

The next BioTherapy Live! broadcast will air tomorrow, Tuesday, February 21 at 1:00 pm PST (4:00 pm New York time). The program, will feature Dr. Frank Stadler who will lead a discussion about maggot therapy in compromised healthcare settings and the related supply chain challenges.

Frank Stadler is the owner and director of Similitude Pty Ltd and MedMagLabs. He is also the Centre Manager at the ARC Training Centre for the Facilitated Advancement of Australia’s Bioactives (FAAB) and Adjunct Fellow at Applied BioSciences, Macquarie University. For the past eight years he has conducted world-first research on supply chain management for maggot therapy in compromised healthcare settings. Frank has extensive expertise in maggot therapy and its supply chain management, invertebrate biology, and laboratory rearing of invertebrates. Dr. Stadler and his colleagues established MedMagLabs, a two-year research and development project funded by Creating Hope in Conflict: A Humanitarian Grand Challenge, to develop medicinal maggot production and maggot therapy solutions for conflict-affected isolated communities.

The Zoom link, for watching live, is below. If you can not participate in the live program, watch the recording on our Facebook page or our YouTube channel afterwards.

To join the meeting on Zoom, go to:

Meeting ID: 938 6223 9768

Passcode: 504239

To join by phone, find your local number at:

I hope you can join us as we continue our series of visits with maggot therapists from around the world.

Advancing healthcare through education and research in biotherapy,

R Sherman (signature)
Biotherapy Live! (and recorded!)

The next broadcast of Biotherapy Live! will be February 21 at 1:00 PST (4:00 pm Eastern Time). Future webinars are tentatively scheduled to air live on the third Tuesday of each month (unless otherwise noted). Programs will be posted on our Facebook page and YouTube channel shortly thereafter.

  • February 21, 2023: BioTherapy Live! with Dr. Frank Stadler, owner and director of Similitude Pty Ltd and MedMagLabs.

Topic/Title: Maggot Therapy in Compromised Healthcare Settings

  • March 21, 2023: BioTherapy Live! with Dr. Sílvia González Monteiro of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Topic/Title: Maggot Debridement Therapy in Animals

To join the meeting on Zoom, go to:

Meeting ID: 938 6223 9768

Passcode: 504239

To join by phone, find your local number at:

Want to suggest a topic or speaker? let us know!

Human-Animal Interaction

The next HAI webinar will be:


Optimal Terminology for Equine-assisted Services

Presented by:

Kathy Alm CEO Path Intl, Lynn Thomas, Co-founder and former CEO of Eagala, Horses for Mental Health (HMH), Arenas for Change (ARCH) and Debbie Anderson, CTRI, ESMHL, HorseWork Master, Founder at Strides to Success


Professionals including horses in their professional practices will learn the latest in uniform terminology for equine assisted interventions. The authors previously completed a national review for the purposes: (1) to recommend the adoption of optimal terminology for referring to services in the US that incorporate horses and other equines to benefit people, and (2) the discontinuation of especially problematic terminology in order to enhance the professionalism and viability of specific identified services. It is also hoped that improved precision and clarity in terminology for naming specific services will advance their future scientific development and reliable measurement of effectiveness.

To sign up, register at this site.

"Personally, I have always felt that the best doctor in the world is the veterinarian. He can't ask his patients what is the matter . . . he's just got to know."

Will Rogers

Publication Credits

THE BeTER LeTTER is published by: 
BioTherapeutics, Education & Research (BTER) Foundation
36 Urey Court, Irvine, CA 92617
Phone: 949-246-1156 / Fax: 949-679-3001 

Ronald A. Sherman

Assistant Editors:
Albert Nguyen

Contributing Writers:
Dr. Sagiv Ben-Yakir, Dr. Jose Contreras-Ruiz, Sheri Rosen,
Dr. Pascal Steenvoorde, Dr. Tarek Tantawi,
Your name could be here! 

Foundation Consultants:
Eve Iversen, Dr. Alana Jolley, Amy Mendez, Joanne Preston,
Dr. Aletha Tippett

Foundation Board:
Ronald A Sherman (Chair); Sagiv Ben-Yakir;
Chris Kleronomos; Samuel G Kohn (Treasurer); Sheri Cameron.

Past Board Members:
Donna Beales; Sharon Mendez; Pamela Mitchell; Randall Sullivan

Administrative Assistant: 
Albert Nguyen
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