The Birch Bay Buzz
A Weekly Publication of the Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce

October 5, 2022
A Note from the Director:

Are you hiring? We have heard from many members, especially those in the hospitality and service industry that it is still very hard to find employees. And we recognize that the workforce shortage is adversely affecting many small businesses.
We want to remind you that we can help you get your job listings in front of more qualified candidates. Please email us and we will get your job listings posted on our website - this is a FREE benefit of your membership!

We Are Looking for volunteers! As we approach the winter season we are looking for volunteers to help us keep the visitor center open! We update our sign-up genius account regularly with dates and times we need help with. I just updated the list today! Click below to see if there is a day that you can help us by spending just a few hours here at the Visitor Center. It would make a GREAT place to wrap your Holiday Presents away from peeping eyes!

If you have any information you would like to share with our Membership and community please email by Monday. Newsletters will be sent every Wednesday.
Happening at Station 49!
It still feels like summer at Station 49!
Now Open: Saturday 11 AM - 8 PM & Sunday 11 AM - 7 PM

Saturday 3:00 PM
Live Music - Wicked Timing

Sunday 2:00 PM
Live Music - Jimmy Wright Band
This Week at The Beach Bar!
Important Information
This week I participated in the Improving Businesses' Financial Literacy & Management to Support Post-Disaster Economic Recover Workshop. The next one that they will be hosting is for individuals and Households. There was lots of great information, and I think it is beneficial. They are planning to do some shorter workshops in the coming months and we will be sure to communicate those to you.

If you are interested in the training for Individuals and Households - use the link below.
Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce
4819 Alderson Rd #103, Blaine WA 98230
(360) 371-5004 |