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332 W. 63rd Street, Kansas City, MO 64113     PH 816-361-2500

Shop On-Line:  www.worldswindowkc.store
Our on-line store is open 24 hours a day

"Where the creativity of human mind, spirit and experience is celebrated everyday."
"From Here to There and Everywhere"


Bird Watching at World's Window 

"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song."
- Maya Angelou

   For some of us, singing has always been important. We sing in the shower. We sing along with the radio. We sing in choirs. We sing solos. In the midst of our current health crisis, we know it's n ot safe to sing with others and in public right now.

   However, birds in our area are singing their hearts out. A quick walk outside, especially in morning and evening hours yields an entire choir and orchestra of melodies, harmonies and percussion.

   Today we invite you to do some bird watching both inside at World's Window and out in our natural world.

   The other morning I sat in our backyard welcoming the morning by listening to the birds. Join me as we start today's adventure together.

Birding in our Back Yard #1
Birding in our Backyard

As they always do, the squirrels just had to also "get in the picture."

    On we go! Have your "binoculars"? 
Let's explore bird watching around Kansas City
and in World's Window

Bird Watching in & around Kansas City

 In their Adventure series,  KCUR, our local public radio station, just offered a guide to help us all go out and connect with birds - in our own backyards and neighborhoods, around Kansas City and in short adventures out of town.

KCUR Bird Adventure

Check it out here or click on the picture above.

While it's not quite time for the major flyways, there are plenty of birds to see. Do you have special places you like to visit to see and hear birds?  We'd love to hear about them!

Bird Watching in World's Window

 Wandering around our store, Della and Jan found bird images on almost every shelf and wall. From little bird finger puppets to jewelry to prints on scarves to large masks, birds are everywhere. Here are just a few special birds we spied in our bird watching in World's Window.

JOF FarmersTrophy


JIL Cranes

ARA BirdMask

OLE Chulucanas Swan

TRA BirdNecklace

   There are so many more interesting bird items and images to explore at World's Window. . .

Shopping . . .
always so much to see and explore!

Bird CompPic1

Birds at World's Window come in all shapes and sizes.
The come from many cultures and appear in traditional shapes or in new stylized, contemporary images.

Bird CompPic2

Birds appear on tee shirts, as clocks, on wallets, in chimes and even as a corkscrew.

Check out our wide assortment of birds online by clicking here or on either picture above or come "birding" in our Brookside store. 

Bird "Watching" through Stories

      Birds are often the main characters in traditional cultural fables, parables and creation stories from all around the world. We invited Joyce Slater, local storyteller extraordinaire, to tell us one such story that likely originated as an African folk tale, which, of course, includes a "truth" or a lesson for us all to consider.

   Take a moment, settle in, and listen to "The Brave Little Bird" as told by Joyce Slater. She's surrounded by many of the birds that we are featuring today in our bird watching adventure. 

"The Brave Little Bird" as told by Joyce Slater
at World's Window, Kansas City, MO

We love this story that can be enjoyed by all ages. Stay tuned over the next weeks for more stories from Joyce!

  Happy Bird Watching!

   As Lonnie and I refilled our bird feeder this morning, we laughed at the antics of the birds at the feeder and the squirrels and chipmunks that clearly would like to be also perched at the feeder, but have to be content to pick up the fallen pieces on the ground.

   Last week we learned about Global Mamas masks and I shared a recipe for West African Groundnut Stew. Several of you have made the recipe and shared comments about changes you suggest.  I went back to my original hand-written notes in a cookbook falling apart and realized I hadn't adjusted some of the spices correctly. So, if your are interested, the "newly corrected and revised"  recipe is located  here. It includes suggestions for toppings when serving the stew that we particularly enjoy.  Happy eating!

   Thanks for continuing on this new journey with us. We look forward to sharing fun stories with you, new products and diversions as we travel "from here to there and everywhere."

   Our store is closed today, but will be open Wednesday through Sunday for the hours listed below. We invite you to try your own personal shopping time between 10 am and 11 am. (see details below) Add a friend if you'd like and come enjoy World's Window. Just give us a call to schedule your special time.
   For those of you who cannot or choose not to shop in our Brookside store right now, we thank you for your continued online shopping support. 
   And I can't say it enough times -  YOU are an important part of what makes World's Window so special! THANK YOU!
Jan Signature

World's Window
"Nobody can define you like you."

For our Brookside Store:
CLOSED Monday and Tuesday
OPEN Wednesday through Saturday, 11 am - 5 pm
Sunday, 12 noon to 5 pm

SHOP our on-line store 24 hours a day:

As always we are "sharing the world" through clothing, jewelry, folk art, textiles and hand-selected gifts - 
buying locally-owned is a gift to your community!
Personal Shopping Hours Now Available
Wednesday through Friday
10 am to 11 am

   Would you like your own personal shopping time in our Brookside store? This week Della and Jan are again offering 1/2 hour private shopping times between 10 am and 11 am on Wednesday through Friday. You get to shop in the quiet of the morning before the store opens. You can browse, try on clothing and get helpful suggestions in the best of social/physical distancing.

   Yes, you are required to wear a face mask and we'll have ours on, but you'll be able to explore our store with the freedom of moving around at your leisure.

   Times are open at either 10 am or 10:30 am. We'll be available to assist or to let you wander and just be around to answer your questions.  Call Della at 816-361-2500 to schedule your own personal shopping time!

A gift card is always a perfect gift.
We have 2 options for  World's Window gift cards.

        Online Gift Cards

        In-Store Gift Cards                                     
WW GiftCard

In-store gift cards can also be purchased by calling 
us at 816-361-2500.

See what's happening on our social sites: