Welcome to the Birds & Blooms e-newsletter!

Here we focus on wildlife and nature, important environmental updates, and events at Dripping Springs area parks. After years of diligent work to help people protect birds and their habitat, Dripping Springs has been certified as an official “Bird City” by the Texas Audubon Texas and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD). With only seven other designations throughout the state, this is an honor for the city and its partnering organizations. This designation is exciting news for the nearly 2.2 million Texas enthusiasts looking for their next bird watching destination. Throughout the year, Dripping Springs will hold a variety of events, activities, and initiatives to help protect birds and their habitats, including its bi-annual Lights Out Dripping Springs campaign and the Festival of Flight event in May that celebrates World Migratory Bird Day.

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Bird of the Week – Least Grebe

This bird is an expected sight in our area, if not a particularly common one. Least Grebes have undergone a striking range expansion in the last several decades, pushing north from along Texas’s southern coast and interior. Relatively recent arrivals to the county, Least Grebes are difficult to find in Austin, but can be spotted if you’re lucky- and you know what to look for.

Folks in the Field

Would you tell our readers a bit about yourself & where your passion for birds came from?

My name is Caylie Houchin, and I am the Programs Coordinator at Ranch Park. My passion for birdwatching began when I was a child. During those times, my grandmother and I would sit on her back porch in the early morning hours to watch birds at the feeders before the rest of the family would wake up.

What is your favorite park/area in Texas to go birding and take photographs?

My favorite place to go birding is The Meadows Center in San Marcos. It is the perfect location to see waterfowl and migratory bird species that you don’t always get to see while birding in your backyard.

What bird are you most excited to encounter?

I get excited anytime I see a bird of prey, particularly, two central Texas natives, the Crested Caracara and Red-shouldered Hawk. They’re stunning to observe, and especially fun when they’re on the prowl for prey.

Birding at DS Ranch Park!

Embark on a captivating journey of exploration and connection with our Guided Nature Hikes – a series of guided hikes led by Hays County Master Naturalists through the Central Texas landscapes of Dripping Springs Ranch Park. Participants should dress for the weather, bring water, and wear sturdy hiking shoes. The terrain at Ranch Park ranges from rocky to smooth with minimal elevation changes.

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Upcoming Nature Events

Guided Photography Grotto Hike @ Westcave Preserve

February 24th


Grotto Hike

Earth Native Tracks & Trails @

Ranch Park

February 26th


Tracks & Trails

Sunset Hike @

Pedernales Falls

March 10th


Sunset Hike

Texas Audubon Launches "Bird Walks"

Birdwatching is a popular past-time in Austin. Now the Travis Audubon Society and The Trail Conservancy are partnering up to launch "Bird Walks." Chris Gunter with the Travis Audubon Society joined KVUE Midday to explain.

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