"I think we consider too much

the good luck of the early bird

and not enough

the bad luck of the early worm."

~Franklin D. Roosevelt

Last week, I told you about our adventures in bookselling... with a bird. I asked what you would call a bird in a bookstore a la "a bull in a chinashop," etc. Your answers were fabulous, and I'm sharing them below. Winners were chosen at random and appear after our "Found on the Shelf" section below.

Other answers included more of a plot or story line because... you're readers!

Here are those answers as well:

Stalking storks in the stacks.

A libavion instead of a librarian.

“Quiet as a Bird in a Bookstore”

The bird is looking for cheep cheep air fare to The Featherlands.

A bird in a bookstore is an avid tweeter?

Where else would a ‘birdbrain’ go, if not to the best bookstore?

He obviously was not "a fly by night" and wanted more than just "a bird's eye view."

He did not like his "tunnel vision."

I think “bird in a bookstore” refers to someone who loves bookstores, “flying” around from book to book for hours…someone who can’t leave a bookstore.

Your true bird-brain story inspired an imitation crime novelist, Chickey Spillane, to pen the first line in his volume:

“Once again, she ducked unto the famous Petoskey bookstore in search of the elusive and notorious gangster ”The Bookworm,” unaware of the flap she was causing, nor the birdin she was making on the staff.” (He originally used "duct" instead of "ducked!")

Staff Reviews This Week From Karen McCue:

Every Season is SOUP SEASON: 85+ Souper-Adaptable Recipes to Batch, Share, Reinvent, and Enjoy by Shelly Westerhausen Worcel

Over the years, I have found that certain (non-food) publications have great “food-cred” – as in, their published recipes are consistently credible - achievable for home cooks, contain readily-available ingredients, and are delicious. My recipe box has many of our family faves torn (or now downloaded) from Midwest Living magazine. Their restaurant features in the travel section are also reliable. Who wants to spend time and money during a one-meal stop in an underachieving tourist-trap café? And now, because Midwest Living featured SOUP SEASON last month, I’ve found that their cookbook recommendations dig even deeper than what’s trending with well-known chefs. (Don’t get me wrong, I’m still going to buy Erin French’s new one!) 

I thought the title of this book was just SOUP SEASON – how appropriate in the throes of Autumn 2023, when the snowflakes started flying? Now that I’ve devoured this book (pun intended), I know why it’s called Every Season is Soup Season. The Table of Contents is laid out by the four seasons with cold, hot, and room-temp recipes than specifically lean on the ingredients that are seasonally available. Then there’s a chapter entitled Enhancers with things like frizzled shallots, and smoked gouda grilled cheese croutons – yum!; and another for Accompaniments like quick yogurt flatbread, brown butter pumpkin cornbread, and peach poblano slaw. Each recipe is vegetarian, but many do have meat suggestions. And THEN, there are instructions to convert the leftovers into a different meal the next day (or next week/month if you freeze the leftovers). So cool, right?  

Many of my cookbooks read like novels, and I love them almost equally. But SOUP SEASON will be an actively working part of my collection. Where do you get your new-recipe-inspiration? I’d love to know. (Reply back and we'll compile your answers in a future email!) (Click for inside images.)

Beyond That, the Sea by Laura Spence-Ash

An April 2023 Indie Next List selection, Beyond That, the Sea is a rich historical novel told from several characters’ points of view by chapter, spanning a period between 1940 and 1977. Eleven-year-old Beatrix Thompson (Bea) joins the evacuation of London and sails to Boston to live out the worst of the WWII Blitz with her host family, the Gregorys. Her angst during war time is expected, but to leave her parents, who live with the peril of daily bombings, and travel to an unknown family, country, and culture is overwhelming. As she starts to integrate with the new family, she experiences guilt at her increasing joy of becoming a surrogate sibling to Gerald, just a bit younger than Bea, and William, two years older, and at becoming the only “daughter” of her American host parents, who are of a much different economic/social class than her biological family. 

Then Bea finds that her true self is developing and starting to "grow up" at the Gregory’s summer residence, on an island just off the southern coast of Maine. She continues to acclimate through new-found activities (she’d never learned to swim or row before); develops confidence through the thrill of competing with the boys; and discovers the pleasures of solitude through hikes in the woods. Tragedy, love and unrealized dreams follow this coming-of-age period as Bea returns after five long years to a changed England and family circumstances, while her relationship with the Gregory family gradually fades. Until…

The multitude of historical WWII fiction that I’ve read has dealt with the impacted lives of the residents, soldiers, occupiers, resistance units, and even young evacuees from London, but mainly to other parts of Great Britain. This was a different take on evacuations – almost emigration? – but cut short during the most impressionable time in a young person’s emotional development. A compelling read.

Events, etc.:

The Artivist by Nikkolas Smith

Found on the Shelf:

Gotcha Day!: Adoption Tales of Remarkable Rescue Dogs by Greg Murray

You're going to make the most ridiculous "awww!" noises as you look through this one. Click for more inside images.


The following people were chosen at random for participating in the "what would you call a bird in a bookstore?" question from last week. If you see your name, we have a pile of books waiting for you at the bookstore! Reply back to this email if you are not close enough to swing in soon. We'll mail them to you instead!

  • Mary Ellen Vaydik
  • Max Putter
  • Nancy Hellman
  • Charles Huebner

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