Have a Ball (ages 6-16)
Fewer than 5 spots left!

Delightful Desserts (ages 6-16)

Skyhawks Basketball (ages 10-11)

Babysitting Clinic (ages 11+)

Science Olympiad - MY SO (grades 6-8) 
Do you love STEM and want to engage in learning outside of the classroom? Join the Science Olympiad captains and leaders from Eagan High School to expand and grow your science knowledge. Each month, explore a different STEM theme and compete, if you choose, with others across the country in an optional showdown experience. Each showdown ticket is $10 and registration is on your own. Science Olympiad is a national STEM organization; MY SO compliments Science Olympiads tournament structure. 

Improv: Acting Without a Script (grades 6-9)

Prairie Fire Children's Theatre Peter Pan (ages 7-18)
How to Draw a Unicorn (ages 5-12)

Do-At-Home Art Kits by Yourself or With Your Friends-March (grades K-5)
St. Paddy’s Day Rainbow on Canvas Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and learn elements of color theory as you paint a rainbow on a real canvas board. Add a pot of gold that glows in the dark. Hatchimals Create a silly Hatchimal out of air-dry clay, pompoms and more! Sculpt and splatter out Hatchimal eggs and create a tiny fuzzy Hatchimal to go inside. Order Deadline February 25 Pick Up Monday, March 7, noon-4:30 p.m. or Tuesday, March 8, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at District Office East, 15180 Canada Ave, Rosemount

Among Us Art Fun (ages 5-12)

Claylicious (ages 5-12)

How To's of Drawing Camp (ages 5-12)
Do you need fee assistance?
Apply online or call 952-431-8777 for aquatic programs or 651-423-7920 for enrichment classes.
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Parents ...
Depolarizing Within: Becoming a Braver Angel in Your Own World

Eastside Freedom Library Presents: Immigrants and the Making of St. Paul

Who are Jews and What is Antisemitism?

Learn now, in-person or online!
Please know the safety of you, your family, and our staff is our primary concern. Our programming is consistent with state and federal health guidelines. We have developed a wide variety of learning opportunities for all ages in various modes of delivery. We have in-person and youth and adult enrichment, online classes. Although the attending method may be different, our goal will be the same: to engage, enrich and inspire your lifelong learning! The sky’s the limit. Learn now! and refer back frequently for additional new programming!
Page through, point and click in our interactive winter catalog! 
Even though your printed winter catalog won't arrive in your mailbox for a bit, you can browse and register now in our interactive catalog. Plan ahead and ensure your spot in class! Register now.

We have developed a wide variety of learning opportunities for all ages this winter in various modes of delivery. Although the attending method may be different, our goal is the same: to engage, enrich and inspire your lifelong learning! The sky's the limit.