More catastrophic news about mishandling of sexual abuse by Bishop Richard Stika and the Diocese of Knoxville

We are still assimilating the newest article from and it is yet another devastating account of mishandling of sexual assault by Bishop Richard Stika and the Diocese of Knoxville.

Statement from Susan Vance of SNAP of Tennessee: "The devastation of victims of clergy sexual abuse by Bishop Richard Stika reached new heights today. Bishop Stika cannot be trusted to protect our priests-in-training in our diocese or in any other. This is beginning to closely parallel the actions of disgraced Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Demand that the Vatican remove Stika now."

More to come as we try to piece together this flagrant disregard for policy of the Diocese and the policy set forth by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in their Dallas Charter of 2002.

SNAP stands for Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests
[SNAP of Tennessee] | [865-748-3518] | [] | []