Holy Eucharist & Rite of Installation
for Bishop Megan Rohrer!
Bishop Rohrer preparing a communion table where all are truly welcome. Photo Gareth Gooch.
Bishop Marc Andrus of the Episcopal Diocese of CA welcoming us to Grace Cathedral. Photo Gareth Gooch.
Bishop Rohrer and congregation installing the Synod Staff members. Photo Gareth Gooch.
The Gospel processional, led by youth of the synod. Photo Gareth Gooch.
Laying of the hands, led by Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton. Photo Gareth Gooch.
Exiting the "Doors of Paradise" with Assisting Minister, Deacon Ross Murray. Photo Gareth Gooch.
9 current or past Bishops present to celebrate this historic day! Photo Gareth Gooch.
Bishop-Emeritus Mark Holmerud presenting Bishop Rohrer with the cross, passed down through Bishops of our Synod. Photo Bill Wilson.
Vance Blackfox, Citizen of the Cherokee Nation, smudging Bishop Rohrer. Photo Bill Wilson.
Thank you to all who joined us in-person or through the livestream for the Holy Eucharist & Rite on Installation of the 5th Bishop of the Sierra Pacific Synod! It was truly a historic day overflowing with joy and the Holy Spirit. Be on the lookout for more pictures from the Installation Service and throughout this past weekend, on our Facebook or Instagram page.

Unable to join us live? We invite you to watch the Installation Service via Youtube here.

​Offering from the Installation will be used to create a theologians in residence program to help the Sierra Pacific Synod in anti-racism efforts, to expand our welcome and to care for creation. We invite you to give here.

The day before the Installation, Bishop Rohrer shared their Bishop's Report to the Synod Council - a summary of the activities of the Bishop and Synod Staff since July 1, 2021. We invite you to read through the report here.
Stories about the Installation from Around the World
What a gift it is to share this historic Installation Service with people around the world! We're especially grateful for the journalist, reporters and photographers who are sharing this story far and wide. Here are a few of the 50+ stories about Bishop Rohrer's Installation already published.
Short story on Good Morning America 3.
Story published in the Los Angeles Times.
Story published in the San Francisco Chronicle.
Connect with Synod Staff
Rev. Dr. Megan Rohrer
Sierra Pacific Synod

Rev. Hazel Salazar-Davidson
Assistant to the Bishop for Authentic Diversity, Inclusive Community & Service

Diana Barrios
Director of Finance, Systems and Administration

Steve Wright
Candidacy Director
Rev. Manda Truchinski
Assistant to the Bishop for Leadership & Strategic Organization

Rev. Tita Valeriano
Director for Evangelical Mission and Assistant to the Bishop

Catherine Slabaugh
Communications & Connections Coordinator

Rev. Bill Wong
Call Process Assistant
The Sierra Pacific Synod Office resides on the unceded land of the Ramaytush Ohlone People.
To learn more about their tribal history, we encourage you to click here.
The Sierra Pacific Synod is a Sanctuary Synod and a Reconciling in Christ Synod.