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September 18, 2024

Bishop Sean's Farewell Interview: People Here Don't Give Up

As he concluded his day-to-day ministry as bishop of the Dioceses of Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York, Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe sat for a farewell interview with Jim Naughton of Canticle Communications.

JN: Are you finding it difficult to leave? Obviously you're not leaving Erie physically, but you are detaching from a job you’ve had for a long time.

Bishop Sean: I find it extraordinarily difficult and challenging. As I've said to people over and over again, I have mixed feelings about leaving. This is a region of the country that I've lived in and served my whole life, and that I've come to love and to understand and appreciate deeply. And I've not ever had the sense that this is something that I would want to leave if I could, or go on to something better or different.

JN: But …

Bishop Sean: But being presiding bishop comes to me really as a call. And I'm in love with the region and with the people in it and with the congregations. I've come to know and love them. So I'm sad to leave. And there's also excitement and anticipation on taking on this new role.

Read the full interview.

Celebrate with Bishop Sean on Saturday

There is one more opportunity to celebrate with Bishop Sean as he prepares to become the 28th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church on November 1:

Saturday, September 21, at 3 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Paul, Erie

Join Bishop Sean and his family for a service of Eucharist celebrating his 17 years as bishop of Northwestern Pennsylvania. He will preach and the service will be followed by a reception in the cathedral hall. Find directions and parking information.

Contribute to Bishop Sean's WNY Farewell Gift

At Bishop Sean's farewell gathering on September 14, the clergy of Western New York presented him with the design of his farewell gift: a hand-crafted crozier by a Roycraft artisan inspired by the biblical story of the Road to Emmaus.

Contact the Rev. Nick Evancho or the Rev. Ann Tillman for information about how to contribute.

Every Child Matters on September 28

On September 28 at 2 p.m., Church of the Good Shepherd, Irving, will hold its second Every Child Matters event to honor Indigenous children who lost their lives and culture at residential schools across the United States and Canada. Author Keith Burich will speak about the legacy, emotional and cultural impact of the Thomas Indian School and

Vicky Lucca will discuss the impact of the Kinzua Dam on the community and the trauma suffered from the removal of many families from their homes and land.

The event is public and everyone from the partnership dioceses are welcome to attend.

Email Deacon Rich Inserra to learn more.

2024 Diocesan Conventions on October 12

Resolutions and Nominations now available

Register for pre-convention meetings

The 2024 diocesan conventions of the Dioceses of Western New York and Northwestern Pennsylvania. The conventions will be held at the Bayfront Convention Center in Erie on October 12. Registration is now closed.

Email Shawn Slother with questions.

My Name is Pauli Murray Screening on October 11

New start time

The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murry, a life-long Episcopalian, became the first woman of color ordained to the priesthood in 1977. She is celebrated on July 1 in the Episcopal Church’s calendar of saints.

On October 11 at 6 p.m. (note new time), the evening before diocesan convention, the Commission to Dismantle Racism and Discrimination will host a dinner and screening of "My Name is Pauli Murray," a 2021 documentary about the life of this extraordinary person who, as a young girl in North Carolina preferred to wear boys clothes and rode the rails. Pauli Murray became one of this nation’s leading civil rights, legal, feminist, gender and personal advocates for "the universal cause of freedom."

See a trailer and register to attend the event.

Download a poster.

Bishop Sean's Investiture Watch Parties

Bishop Sean's Celebration of New Ministry and Investiture as Presiding Bishop will take place on November 2 at 11 a.m. with the livestream beginning at 9:30 a.m. Learn more.

St. John's, Sharon will hold a watch party beginning at 9:30 a.m. Refreshments and a light lunch will follow the investiture. Contact Tracy Schliep at 724.699.7247 to reserve a spot.

Any congregations planning watch parties are encouraged to send information about their events for listing in the diocesan newsletter. Please email with details.

Transition and Evaluation Updates

Partnership Staff Prepares for Transition

The partnership staff is taking on a new configuration this month as Bishop Sean prepares to step away from day-to-day responsibilities in order to take up his new role as presiding bishop and Vanessa Butler, canon for administration, leaves her current position to serve with him in the Office of the Presiding Bishop.

Find an overview of the staffing changes now underway on the diocesan website.

Evaluation Listening Sessions in October

In October, the partnership evaluation consultants will hold a series of listening sessions for clergy and laypeople in both dioceses. In-person listening sessions will take place on these dates:

The consultants will also conduct Zoom listening sessions on these dates:

Read more about the evaluation.

Congregational Events

Chicken Chowder Sale September 21

St. John's, Wilson

St. John's, Wilson will hold a chicken chowder sale on September 21. Sales will begin at noon and are take-out only. Chowder is $8 per quart and can be pre-ordered by calling 716.751.6109.

Taco Thursday September 26

Christ Church, Lockport

Christ Church, Lockport will hold a Taco Thursday on September 26 from 5 to 7 p.m. or until sold out.

Proceeds will go to the Niagara Frontier YWCA Alternatives to Domestic Violence program.

Rummage Sale September 28

Church of the Advent, Kenmore, will hold a rummage sale on September 28 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Solito Book Discussion October 9

St. Mark's, LeRoy

St Mark’s, LeRoy will hold a community book discussion about Solito by Javier Zamora on October 9 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. All are welcome at this or any future discussion.

This event is the latest in a community book discussion series hosted by St. Mark's. Previous books are available to borrow from St. Mark's. See a list of available books.

More information is available online or by email at

Blessing of the Animals on October 5

Calvary, Williamsville, will hold its annual Blessing of the Animals on October 5 at 2 p.m. The community is invited to bring all creatures, great and small, but please keep safety in mind. Photos or drawings of pets are welcome, as are stuffed animals and toy pets.

A reception with light refreshments for all species will be offered following the service, and the parish will accept donations of pet food items for the Pet Food Pantry at St. Matthias’, East Aurora. Certificates will be given for each pet to commemorate the blessing.

For additional information please contact the church office at 716.633.7800.

Choral Evensong October 6

Calvary, Williamsville

Calvary, Williamsville will hold a choral evensong on October 6 at 4 p.m. Canticles and anthems will be sung by the Calvary Church Choir.

This is the first event for the new season of Great Music at Calvary. The next program will be held on November 3.

For more information about Great Music at Calvary, please contact Roland E. Martin, Director of Music, by email at or call 716-633-7800.

Common Ground Series Returns October 13

Calvary, Williamsville

The Common Ground Speaker Series at Calvary, Williamsville returns on October 13 at 12 p.m..

The speakers will be Kim and TJ Burch whose son, Nolan, died in a fraternity hazing incident ten years ago. The Burches will share their story and their journey to help others on October 13 at 12 p.m. A light lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m., concluding with a Question & Answer period to end at approximately 1:30 p.m. All are invited to attend this free event.

Additionally, Calvary is hosting the Annual Nolan Burch Blood Drive on October 12 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.   

For additional information please contact Calvary Episcopal Church at 716.633.7800 or email

Resources and Programs

Vote Faithfully 2024 Toolkit Available

The Episcopal Church's Office of Government Relations has created a toolkit to help Episcopalians vote faithfully in 2024. This communications toolkit includes six Sundays of bulletin inserts and graphics for social media and newsletters.

Learn more.

Save the Dates: Commission to Dismantle Racism and Discrimination Regional Conversations

Save the dates for these upcoming conversations hosted by the Commission to Dismantle Racism and Discrimination:

Regional Conversations: “Practicing the Way” October 26 and November 9

This fall, the commission will be hosting two regional conversations based on the fourth quadrant of the Becoming Beloved Community labyrinth. The October 26 conversation will take place at the Diocesan Center in Tonawanda, and the November 9 conversation will take place at St. Mark's, Erie.

Watch future newsletters for more information.

Education for Ministry Enrollment Open for September

Education for Ministry (EfM) is an adult learning program that covers the basics of a theological education in Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, church history, liturgy and theology, with a strong emphasis on theological reflection. 

EFM participants commit to one year at a time, and the full curriculum is covered over four years. For more information, email Certified Mentor Karl Costello or Partnership EfM Coordinator Linda Makson.


Dismantling Racism Grants Available

The Commission to Dismantle Racism and Discrimination offers grants to congregations with initiatives inspired by the commission's newly updated Pledge of Faith and Action Against Racial Injustice: LEARN―PRAY―ACT―ADVOCATECongregations may request updated pledge cards by emailing Susan Woods.

The commission has also developed a new vision statement for the journey toward Beloved Community.

Congregations holding a book study related to dismantling racism or other forms of discrimination, hosting guest speakers, or visiting a historic site or museum like the Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center, can apply for grants from $25 to $500 using this grant application.

For more information, email the Rev. Stacey Fussell or the Rev. Helen Harper. for grants from $25 to $500 using this grant application.

Make Gifts and Pledges to Congregations Online
Though congregations are now meeting in person, the bishop's office will continue to maintain an online giving platform that accepts gifts and pledge payments for any congregation. The partnership dioceses will absorb payment processing fees so contributions will go entirely to local mission.

Publication Schedule

Anyone can subscribe to the leadership newsletter and the general newsletter, which are published on alternate Wednesdays.

The general newsletter contains stories, congregational event listings, and other news of general interest. The leadership news focuses on governance and administrative updates and reminders, leadership events and clergy news. Updates are also available on the partnership Facebook page and the partnership website.

Please send news about your congregation's ministry, mission and events to To contribute photos, stories, or event announcements to the newsletter, please see our submission guidelines.

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