Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts

Update from the Bishop Nominating Committee:

Survey responses invited by Nov. 1

Oct. 17, 2023

From the Bishop Nominating Committee:

The listening sessions are complete. Thank you to all who participated. The Nominating Committee invites you to complete an online survey. All members of our diocese are invited to participate in the survey. If you attended a listening session or not, you are invited to complete the survey. The survey will be open until Nov. 1, 2023. 

The survey is available in English and Spanish. Please assist anyone in your worshiping community who may need a technology buddy to complete the survey.

Questions may be directed to the Nominating Committee at


For more information about the bishop search process for our diocese please visit www.diomass.org/bishop-search.

Bishop Search Survey (English)


Encuesta sobre la búsqueda de obispos (En español)


A Word of Gratitude

In September and October 2023, the Nominating Committee for the next bishop diocesan of the Diocese of Massachusetts conducted 23 listening sessions across the diocese and on Zoom, including lay and clergy affinity sessions for youth, Spanish speakers, people of color and the LGBTQIA+ communities. 

Thank you to all who participated in the listening sessions; your ideas, hopes and dreams for our diocese will help guide us in drafting a profile for our next bishop. Thank you to all the parishes that hosted the listening sessions and helped create space for reflective and prayerful sharing. 

Find this announcement at www.diomass.org/bishop-search,

where a language translation function is available.

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