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Bishop Watterson Wednesday News
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Off to College! 
99% of the Class of 2016 will be attending college this fall. Members of the Class of 2016 were accepted at 139 colleges and will be attending 53 colleges.

Calendar PDF Available
calendarWe made changes to the calendar since last week: choir trip (March 24-28), senior recognition ceremony (May 14).

The 2016-17 school calendar can be found by clicking here.
Counselor News

Click here for the Guidance Department's latest news.  

Fall Sports

Fall Athlete Checklist
  • Make sure all Final Forms are completed
  • Physical - Ohio High School Athletic Association turned in
  • BWAA sports fee of $230 paid
  • Any financial questions or concerns, contact Athletic Director Doug Etgen via email 
  • Volunteers can sign up online at 
  • Bishop Watterson High School has been awarded the OHSAA Harold Meyer Sportsmanship and Ethics Award for 12 consecutive years! Bishop Watterson High school understands players, coaches and officials will make mistakes, however we expect anyone participating or attending BWHS sporting events (home or away) to exhibit Christian behavior at all times.
Follow Bishop Watterson Athletics on Twitter @BWHS_Athletics

Fall Sports Photos
Friday, Aug. 19
11:00 a.m.: Cross Country on front steps (Cooke Road)
11:40 a.m.: Girls Tennis on front steps (Cooke Road)
12:15 p.m.: Girls Volleyball in south gym
Sunday, Aug. 21
Noon: All Senior Fall athletes in uniform
12:20 p.m.: Fall Cheerleaders
1:00 p.m.: JV/Varsity Football, SportsMed
1:40 p.m.: Freshman Football
2:00 p.m.: Girls Golf
2:30 p.m.: Field Hockey
3:00 p.m.: Boys Golf
3:30 p.m.: Boys Soccer
4:10 p.m.: Girls Soccer

ACT Prep Class
Juniors and Seniors:
Get a head start in preparing for the September, October or December ACT test by attending the BWHS prep class the week of August 15! Click here for more information.

Important Meetings
Freshman Parent Meeting: Sunday, August 21, 6:00 p.m.
Senior Parent Meeting: Monday, August 29, 7:00 p.m.
Junior Parent Meeting: Monday, September 19, 7:00 p.m.
Sophomore Parent Meeting: Monday, October 3, 7:00 p.m.
Student Parking Passes 2016-17

Parking pass instructions are now posted on the BWHS website.
PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS THOROUGHLY and follow each step carefully. The procedure has changed this year.

Click here for the instructions.

Click here for the Pre-Registration Application Form which is due this Friday.
Eagle Store

The Eagle Store will be open
for the first time for the 2016-17 school year from 5:00-6:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 21 before the Freshman Parent Meeting and from 1:00-2:00 p.m. on
Monday, August 22.
Stop by and check out our quarter-zips! 
Contact Information  
Sheri Cook, 
Study Skills Workshop

student studying Bishop Watterson will offer a Study Skills Workshop on Tuesday, August 16 and Wednesday, August 17 from
9:00-11:15 a.m. Students need to attend both days of the workshop.
The cost is $35 per student and the registration deadline is August 11. 
For course content and the registration form, click here.
Student Work Program

The Bishop Watterson Student Work Program can help defray tuition costs. Applicants must have applied for tuition assistance for the 2016-17 school year. For the application form, click here .
Parents Invited to Dr. Leonard Sax Presentation at OLP, St. Brigid

BWHS Parents are welcome to attend a special presentation, "Parenting: Then and Now" by Dr. Leonard Sax, a New York Times bestselling author and renowned speaker. He will be speaking at Our Lady of Peace on September 14 and Saint Brigid of Kildare on September 15 on the culture of respect at home and school as well as topics from his latest book, The Collapse of Parenting, which discusses how we hurt our kids when we treat them like grown-ups. Dr. Sax is a medical doctor, psychologist, and author focused on child and adolescent development.

Our Lady of Peace 
Wednesday, September 14, 7:00 p.m., school cafeteria
No registration required.
St. Brigid of Kildare 
Thursday, September 15, 7:00 p.m., school gymnasium
Register for the presentation at St. Brigid by clicking here

Summer Reading

Students entering 9th grade (Class of 2020) will read
Left to Tell by Immaculee Ilibigiza.

Students entering Grades 10, 11 and 12 will read Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson.
Volunteer Opportunity
St. Andrews is looking for volunteers to help at its annual festival, Aug. 18-21. To volunteer, contact BWHS Service Director Karissa Bowman, 
Thursday, August 18: setup, noon-5:00 p.m.
Friday, August 19: setup, 11:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m.
Friday, August 19 and Saturday, August 20: various booth assignments with shifts starting at 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 21: cleanup, 1:00 -5:00 p.m.

OLP After-School Positions
OLP is looking for college students or adults to work in the after-school program from 2:00-6:00 p.m.  If interested contact Jen O'Brien by email at 

French, Italian Exchange Program
Sign up NOW to host French and Italian exchange students next year!
As you may know, Bishop Watterson has three European sister-schools, one in France and two in Italy. All three will be sending groups of exchange students to BWHS next year. The time to sign-up to host a student in one or more of the exchanges is NOW.
The dates of the exchanges are:
Istituto Calamandrei - Florence, Ital y
September 10-20, 20
16 - 26 students

Istituto Russell-Newton - Florence, Italy
October 13-26, 20
16 - 25 students

Institution St. Joseph - Le Havre, Normandy, France
February 4-18, 20
17 - 35 students
There is no fee to host and the benefits for your child/children are immense. Both groups are fully chaperoned by teachers from their school and speak English so NO French or Italian is required. In fact , we welcome non-Italian/French speaking students to take part in the program.  
During their visit, your exchange student will accompany your student to school and will either go to school with him/her or go on day trips to various cultural, historical, scientific or governmental sights in Central Ohio. Your BWHS student may go on the trips too. Your only responsibility is to provide a home, transportation to/from school (and occasionally evening activities) and meals, including sack lunches.  
As we all know, the world is a small place these days - and getting smaller. Why not give your Watterson student an "international experience" without leaving home by hosting a French or Italian exchange student next year?
Contact Jim Dury at immediately for more information or to sign up. You won't regret it! Grazie! Merci!

Legends Golf Classic
golf5.jpg The BWHS Legends Golf Classic will be held on Sunday,
Sept. 11 at the Golf Club of Dublin at 1:30 p.m.

Click here to register!  

Bus Transportation 2016-17 back-school-bus.jpg

To sign up for bus service for 2016-17, follow instructions per each school district listed.

click here for application. Note that Columbus did not provide busing to BWHS in 2015-16 because there were not enough students

register by calling (614) 760-4511

Click here for a letter from the Hilliard School District with necessary links

does not provide service to BWHS

register by calling (614) 450-6600

Restore all things in Christ

by educating in the Catholic tradition through

prayer, service, and study.
Bishop Watterson High School
99 East Cooke Road Columbus, OH 43214
(614) 268-8671
Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved