Bishop's Ash Wednesday Reflection for
March 2, 2022
Bishop's Weekly Lenten Series Begins:
"The Book of Job & the Nature of Suffering"
The Bishop kicks off his 2022 Lenten Series with a timely Ash Wednesday Message on suffering. The subject of his series is "The Book of Job & the Nature of Suffering." Every Wednesday during Lent, the Bishop will release a video message on the topic. To view today's Ash Wednesday video message, click on the image shown, or visit his Study page on the Diocesan website HERE.

More Lenten Offerings
CONHM Offers Weekly Lenten Video Reflection
The Diocese's Commission on Native Hawaiian Ministries (CONHM) invites all to consider the gospel in a new way! Some of our kanaka maoli clergy will be offering weekly video reflections on the gospel for each Sunday during Lent. Open yourself to hear a word or theme differently, and learn something about our host culture here in these islands. Videos for the coming Sunday's gospel lesson will be posted the Thursday before, on the CONHM webpage HERE.
Reminder: The Madness Begins (Lent Madness, that is)!
Itʻs that time of year when Lent Madness fans are gearing up for another season of learning, engaging and voting! For well over a decade, people of faith the world over have been filling out bracket forms and rooting for their favorites in the annual “saintly smackdown.” QUEEN EMMA IS BACK IN 2022! Get ready to cast your vote on March 21, when she will be up against Hugh of Lincoln. Visit the Lent Madness website HERE to learn more and get ready to learn and cast your votes!
Reminder: The Episcopal Church's Lenten Resources
For a variety of Lenten resources and activities, visit The Episcopal Church's website HERE. Online meditations, reflections, readings, printouts, study, and more--- there is something for everyone including children.
Stay Informed! Quick Links to the Diocesan Websites:
Contact Information
Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Multimedia Consultant
The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776