Revive your soul!
Sunday, 8 & 10 am
The Bishop will be with us for worship at both 8 am and 10 am. We hope you will join us at 10 am worship for lively music and liturgical additions to invigorate your spirit. There will be adult confirmations and receptions, and an extra blessing for the participants in the “Celebrating Communion” class. This Sunday, all open plate/non-pledge contributions will go toward Bishop Susan's pastoral needs fund.
Flower Sponsorship
If you enjoy the flowers we have every Sunday at worship, we encourage you to donate to our Flower Fund! This is a beautiful way to commemorate a special event or honor a loved one. Click this link to complete the online form. Thank you for your generosity!
Men's Group Hike
Sunday, 1 pm
The Men's hiking group will be meeting again this Sunday at 1 pm. They plan to hike Double Peak Park in San Marcos. For more information about the Men's group, please contact Doug Battista.
Welcome our new Curate!
Fresh from her year of Anglican studies, Heather Lawrence will serve as our curate (or priest-in-training) for the next year. Before her ministry in San Diego, she gathered and developed community in Christ as a college minister, worship leader, and church planter in Nashville, TN and throughout North Carolina. Click here to contact Heather.
Ordinations Video
Last Saturday we hosted the ordination of four priests here at St. Andrew’s. If you weren’t able to attend this joyous occasion, you can find the video here.
Re-amortization Success
Only 103k!!
Thanks to all of you who fulfilled your Capital Campaign commitments, we were able to reduce our construction loan to just $103K (the mortgage we carried prior to construction was $148K). As part of the re-amortization process, our payments were reduced to $600/mo., however, since we budgeted$1200/mo. the vestry has committed to making double payments. Additionally, we fully expect to receive another $36K in outstanding commitments over the coming year.
What is the Neighborhood Center?
If you are interested in learning more about the Faith in Action committee's hard work in getting the Neighborhood Center up and running, click here for more information!
Food Pantry - Drivers Needed
St. Andrew's Food Pantry needs a few volunteers that would be able to pick up food donations at the Encinitas Vons. If you have availability on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday morning between 10 and 11 AND you have a truck or SUV, please contact Annie Heyligers for more information.
Deep Dive Book Group
Wednesdays, 7 pm via Zoom
The Deep Dive Book Group began a new series on June 8th. In Sermon on the Mount: A Beginner's Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven, Dr. Amy-Jill Levine introduces the major topics in the Sermon on the Mount, explains historical and theological contexts, and shows how the words of Jesus echo his Jewish tradition and speak forward to reach hearts and minds today. Click this link to join us next week having read through chapter 4. Please note that the meeting scheduled for the 6th will be postponed to the following week and another meeting will be added on the 20th.
Buy a Chair (or a dozen!)
Now that we've completed our construction, it's time to replace some of our well-used furniture with updated and more efficient pieces that will endure well into the future. We thank you in advance for "sponsoring" as many items as you can. Click here to complete the form. Please complete and return this form to the office even if you plan on contributing online.
This Week in Children
& Families' Ministries
Even though Sunday School is out for the summer, our children and families still need their church family. This week, please pray that our children have a safe and fun summer, and that their adults get the rest they need to continue their parenting journey throughout the summer months.
Worship Livestream
Sundays, 10 am
Click here to join the livestream worship. If the livestream is unsuccessful, there will be a recorded version posted to the website on Tuesday of the following week. Click here to access this week's bulletin. If you enjoy participating in this new version of online worship, make sure you hit the thumbs-up button below the video or leave a comment!
Save the Date
  • 6/27-30: Vacation Bible School
  • 7/3, 9:30 ONLY: Holiday Worship Schedule
  • 7/29-8/6: Youth Service Trip
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