January 30, 2025

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The Rt. Reverend Bishop Hector Monterroso

Assistant Bishop of Texas

Sunday, February 2, 2025

10:30 a.m.

Join us this Sunday, February 2nd, as we welcome the Rt. Rev. Bishop Hector Monterroso, Assistant of Texas; and celebrate the Candidates for Confirmation and Reception at the 10:30 a.m. worship service. A reception for candidates will follow the service in Eaton Hall.

Dear Trinity Episcopal Church,

The 2025 Vestry met for our regular January meeting on Tuesday. The first order of business was the election of officers for the year. As I announced at the Parish Annual Meeting, I appointed Laura Hughes to be our Senior Warden, and the Vestry elected Olivia Meyer to serve as our Junior Warden. Generally speaking, the Senior Warden focuses on finances and personnel while the Junior Warden focuses on building maintenance and property issues. Both Laura and Olivia are faithful members of the parish, and I thank God for their willingness to serve in these roles.

The Vestry also elected John Speich as our Treasurer. John has been serving faithfully as our Treasurer for years, and his work with the staff and the Finance Committe have helped bring us to our financially healthy position. Maggie Kelso was elected as our Clerk, meaning that she records the minutes of our meetings (those minutes are available to anyone in the church). Finally, Jeanna Mascorro was elected as the Vestry representative to the Trinity School Board of Trustees.

Vestry meetings are regularly held on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm in the Kelso Room at Trinity and are open to the public.

Please join me in thanking all these people for stepping into greater roles of leadership!

In Christ,


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Sunday, February 2

Download the worship bulletin on your phone or tablet and save paper!

8:00 a.m. Worship Service

10:30 a.m. Worship Service

Online Worship Service

Meetings & Events

Sun., Feb. 2

Worship Services

8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.


Sunday School

for all ages - 9:30 a.m.

Children’s Sunday School

Children’s Chapel

Youth Sunday School

Episcopal Student Center

Adult Sunday School

Upper Eaton Hall

Outreach Committee Meeting

9:30 a.m.

Kelso Room

Candidates for Confirmation and Reception meet with Bishop

9:30 a.m.

Eaton Hall - Rosenberg Room

Mon., Feb. 3

Handbell Choir

1:00 p.m.

Moody Methodist Church

Trinity School Musical Rehearsal

3:00 p.m.

Upper Eaton Hall

Ecumenical Children’s Choir with Moody Methodist

5:30 p.m.

2803 53rd St. – Galveston

Tue., Feb. 4

HAPS Class

5:30 p.m.

Lower Eaton Hall

Wed., Feb. 5

Trinity School Choir Rehearsal

3:00 p.m.

Choir Room

Trinity Spring Book Study

4:30 p.m.

Kelso Room

Wednesday Evening Prayer

5:30 p.m.

Church Sanctuary

Trinity Church Choir Rehearsal

6:30 p.m.

Choir Room

Thur., Feb. 6

Thursday Men’s Lunch Group

11:30 a.m.

Sonny’s on 19th Street

Sun., Feb. 9

Daughters of the King

New member installation

10:30 a.m.


Beginning Feb. 9th

Trinity’s Girl Scout Troop will be at church selling cookies. 

Trinity YouTube Channel

Subscribe to the Trinity YouTube channel to watch all our Sunday services.

Subscribe to Trinity's YouTube Channel

Sunday School

All Sunday School sessions take place at 9:30 a.m.

Adult Sunday School - Upper Eaton Hall, Spring topic: "1700 Years of Belief: A theological and historical exploration of the Nicene Creed."

Youth Group Sunday School - Episcopal Student Center.

Children's Sunday School is in the Children's Chapel.

Children's Chapel, takes place during the 10:30 a.m. service.

Youth Group

The Trinity Youth Group is open to all students in 5th grade through High School. Youth Group will meet each Sunday during the school year, at 9:30 a.m. in the Episcopal Student Center.

For more information, and full meeting schedule, contact Annie Blancken at ablancken@trinitygalv.org  

Spring Book Club - Early Christian Traditions

Wednesdays through Feb. 26th

4:30 p.m. - Kelso Room

Come learn about Early Christian Traditions by Rebecca Lyman. Follow link above to order the book.

World Community for Christian Meditation


4:00 p.m. - Grace Episcopal Church

1115 36th St. - Galveston

Join us at Grace Episcopal Church each week for readings, prayer, meditation and discussion.

For more information, contact Bill Noble.

Lent Program


March 12th through April 9th

(Location schedule TBA)

Wednesdays March 12 through April 9

Shared with Grace Episcopal Church and Saint Augustine of Hippo Episcopal Church, learn from other clergy in the Diocese of Texas about how the Nicene Creed shapes our ministry today.

Helping Our Neighbors in Need

Visit our Website

Diapers, Wipes and Adult Hygiene Products Needed!

St. Vincent's House Food Pantry delivers groceries and household staples to over 100 home-bound families without fail each and every week.

New Way to Donate!

For our online shoppers - use St. Vincent's House Amazon Wish List and send items directly to St. Vincent's House! (Scroll to bottom of wish list for diapers and wipes selections.)

Parish Prayer List

Marie Beck, Wilson Grundy, William Pennington, Barbara Falkenhagen and family, Helen Blaylock, Carol Lee, the family of Michael Lett-Brown, the family of Kathy and John VanDewalli, Holly Wade, Debbie Williams, Tom Kimbrough, Bill Hurt IV, Leta Higgins, Jim Atchley, Mary Bratton, Mary Lou Shuffler, and Roger Lindsey.

Those in active military service, especially John Parker Unbehagen, Theo Unbehagen, John Kelso, Jr., and David Middleton.

Those celebrating birthdays in February, especially John Campbell, Laura Eanes, Bob Newding, Tara Goodner, JaLene Kambhu, Bruce Ware, Lyn Franks, Kelly Shaffner, Brenden Ingraham, Debbie Ingraham, Marie Kueht, Greg Botik, Richard Dale, Mazie Williams, Mallory Shelton, Ritchie Adoue, Ava Shaffner and Maxwell Monteith.

Each month we will refresh the Parish Prayer list. If you have any prayer requests or would like someone added back on the prayer list, please use button below.

Submit a prayer request

The mission of Trinity Episcopal School is to nurture and educate children in a God-centered environment, filling hearts and minds with a passion for learning, a strong moral foundation, a commitment to social responsibility, and respect for all people.

Trinity Episcopal School Website


2025 Vestry (top row, left to right): Laura Hughes (Senior Warden), Olivia Meyer (Jr. Warden), John Speich (Treasurer), Maggie Kelso (Clerk), Ann Anderson and Kelley Delesandri. (Bottom row, left to right) Susan Edmonson, Chris Hofstad, Mike Malloy, Jeanna Mascorro, Georgeann Strong and Rick Swanson.


Rector – The Rev. Jimmy Abbott

Director of Music - Joseph Painter

Parish Administrator – Kathy VanDewalli

Director of Finance – Camille Haglund

Children's Ministry - Jackie Fields

Youth and College Ministry - Annie Blancken

Head of Trinity Episcopal School – Mark Fallo

Trinity Episcopal Church - Galveston | trinitygalv.org
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