Black Forest Road

Construction Update

Dec. 31, 2024

Project Finished!

The cones are gone, all lanes are open, and we’re proud to say the Black Forest Road widening project is complete. We met our projected completion date of late 2024.

The City and project team are grateful for the patience and support of the countless people impacted by this project. We completed this project safely, efficiently and with as little impact as possible while keeping the roadway open for most of the 30-month schedule. 

The project widened the road to two lanes in each direction from Woodmen Road to north of Research Parkway. We poured 5,700 cubic yards of concrete and laid 22,000 tons of asphalt. We added sidewalks, curb and gutter, and storm drainage infrastructure. We moved overhead utilities underground and placed 4,800 plantings. Your patience was instrumental in helping us complete these elements of the project.

Project benefits of this first phase completion of a cohesive plan for improvements to Black Forest Road include:

  • Increased safety and vehicle capacity
  • Improved water quality, detention and storm drainage
  • Improved drainage and erosion mitigation of Cottonwood Creek in the project area and the channel south of Research Parkway to reduce erosion and flooding
  • Replacement of the bridge over Cottonwood Creek with separate two-lanes bridges north- and southbound
  • Accessibility compliance and multimodal accommodation

Enjoy these aerial images of the new Black Forest Road. Have a safe and prosperous 2025!

The new Black Forest Road looking north toward the bridges crossing Cottonwood Creek, with the multi-use sidewalk and trail to the left of the roadway.

The intersection of Black Forest Road and Woodmen Road looking northward.

The newly built section of Black Forest Road stretches northward, left to right, from Woodmen Road to just north of Research Parkway, in the distant right.

Stay Informed

This project widened Black Forest Road to two lanes in each direction between Woodmen Road and Research Parkway. The Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA) "A" List of projects funded the work, completed in late 2024. For more information visit

Project Overview Corridor Map

CLICK HERE to view enlarged map on project website.

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