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Black Friday. Cyber Monday.
But the Best is GIVING TUESDAY! Join Us.
Black Friday ...Cyber Monday ... they're fun. But the best is yet to come!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Join thousands of Americans to make a difference in lives of those in need as we come together to give generously on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving.

Help HBP reach our year-end goal of

mom kissing babyHealthy Babies Project's recently-opened Perennial Transitional House gives  homeless, pregnant teen moms a roof over their heads, a safe place to live, and a chance for a healthy baby. Will you help us reach our goal of $50,000 to fund  household expenses so these pregnant teenagers can come off the streets and live in a safe place, eat healthy food, have medical care, and continue with their education? (Give here.)

Suggested donation levels:
  • $50: a week's worth of diapers, wipes, and bottles 
  • $100: a meal for 15 girls 
  • $200: sponsors one day's stay in the house for one pregnant girl 
  • Your gift of any amount 
Bookmark this page and donate on #GivingTuesday, December 3, 2013
Or give now to help us get a running start.

Your gift from the heart puts a roof over a pregnant girl's head.
Thank you for helping to keep our young, at-risk women and their babies safe.

Learn more about Healthy Babies Project when you log onto our website.
Healthy Babies Project, Inc.
4501 Grant Street NE
Washington, District of Columbia 20019