If you are an Exhibitor or Working Dealer in the East Annex and are planning to use the doors off Manitoba Drive with a vehicle to access your space. Please note that there have been changes to the height of the Loading Doors:
Door 33 - maximum height 9' 6''
Door 34 - maximum height 10 '6'' (Note, this is 2 feet lower than in 2024)
Please make sure your vehicle is less than the new heights, please plan your vehicles and move into the building accordingly.
Dollies will be available and can be signed out from the Royal Winter Fair Lobby - free of charge with ID.
Bulk exhibitors will be contacted with their move in time early December. If you have any move in questions contact:
Shawn McConnell, Move In/Out Coordinator:
Phone (416) 574-9826 I Fax (855) 263-8675 I s6mcconnell@gmail.com