Dear Black Hawk Families,
It was great to see many of you during the recent conferences, at the AVID signing and at the MSCR event. I have been working with the staff to sort through the priorities that were established during the listening sessions and have already begun to address some system issues. I would also like to share that although there remain several teacher vacancies, we have hired three staff members this past week.
Winter weather has shown its face this week and with that, is a reminder that all scholars go outside daily for lunch recess. Many of our scholars are dressing in layers for school, which is a great habit. The temperature in the building fluctuates from room to room, so having a zip-up or long sleeve when needed is great practice. With wearing layers of clothing comes the responsibility of keeping track of the clothing. Our lost and found table is pretty full, so if you notice your child is missing an item or two encourage them to check our table.
With parent teacher conferences behind us, I highly encourage all families to spend some time looking at Infinite Campus to check on the status of your scholar’s work completion, attendance/tardies and grade status. If you look at Infinite Campus and you have questions about a certain class, please feel free to reach out to the teacher for clarification.
Our commitment at BHMS is to provide a safe and orderly environment that focuses on learning. Every student brings their own strengths to Black Hawk, daily. Messages that I will share with your scholars regularly include the following:
Listening is a skill. Learning to take direction and execute the direction you are given is a life skill we all need to master to be successful. We expect our scholars to follow directions.
Language provides access. Every area of study has content specific vocabulary associated with it. Learning the language is essential to learning the concept. Reading is the key to language development. Students need to read daily.
Education is an infinite resource and all students can earn A’s. Research shows that it takes persistence and determination to get good grades. Students need to be motivated to want to learn.
It is in everyone’s best interest to have the people around them at their best, so that you can be at your best. This includes staff and students alike. We will continue to shape systems at BHMS so that everyone has access to being successful. Every day is a new beginning to bring your best to BHMS.
Finally, as I am getting to know the school staff and scholars, I want to also remind you that my door is always open. Please feel free to stop by anytime. I prefer to be proactive so that problem solving is efficient and effective and our scholars stay on track in their learning and development.
Sue Abplanalp, PhD
Interim Principal
Get to Know the MMSD Educators at Black Hawk
As has been practice for several years, certified educators from MMSD's central office fulfill the role as a substitute teacher in classrooms as needed. Get to know a few of the administrators supporting our Black Hawk community!
Shannon Maly: 8th Grade Physical Education
Shannon has taught Physical Education and Health at the Middle and High School levels the past 20 years. She is currently the Health, Physical Education Wellness Teacher Leader for MMSD, where she strives to find new and innovative activities to help support teachers.
Peter Jaeger: 6th Grade Science
Peter is a Science Teacher Leader for MMSD, working with all middle and high schools on science instruction. This is his 27th year in education and fifth year in MMSD. Before coming to Madison, he taught middle school science in Marshall, WI and also coached cross country.
Dr. Amy Sheridan: 6th Grade Science
Amy is the Advanced Learning Coordinator in MMSD. At Black Hawk, she will be supporting 6th grade science in periods 1 and 2. Amy spent many years teaching middle school, and is looking forward to helping students get excited about science!
Save the Date: Band and Orchestra Concerts
6th, 7th, & 8th Grade ORCHESTRA
- Wednesday, December 13, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
- Where: Black Hawk Gym
- What to wear: Students who are performing should wear white on top, black on bottom, darkest shoes possible. OR, due to popular demand, students may wear all black.
6th, 7th, & 8th Grade BAND
- Wednesday, January 17, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
- Where: Black Hawk Gym
What to wear: Students who are performing should wear white on top, black on bottom, darkest shoes possible. OR, due to popular demand, students may wear all black.
Students “call time” (when they need to report for warm ups) is at 5 p.m. Students may stay for after school at 4:30 instead of going home that evening if needed. Please email Ms. Dominick at if you have any questions!
Chromebook Reminders
Chromebooks are important instructional tools that are used for many assignments in most classes. Please take a moment to read the student expectations for device use!
Holiday Gift Program Opportunities
The Empty Stocking Club, a program run through the Wisconsin State Journal, provides a toy and book for children aged 16 and younger during the winter holiday season for families in need. Register by Thursday, Dec. 7 to participate! Toy vouchers will be sent via mail or email in early December following registration. Gifts can be picked up at the Toy Depot event at the Alliant Energy Center on Dec. 13 and 14, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
A Message From Dean Thornton
Black Hawk Middle School PBIS!
The Positive Behavior Incentives and Supports Committee (PBIS) at Black Hawk Middle School (BHMS) has held several meetings recently to develop systems that staff and scholars can use to encourage and celebrate positive behavior at BHMS.
On November 13th, BHMS staff spent the morning reintroducing school-wide behavior expectations to the scholars.
Now that the expectations are set, our committee will focus on ways to acknowledge and incentivize positive behavior at BHMS. Stay tuned for updates!
PBIS Around The Building
PBIS School-wide Goals
Improve school culture
Increase school attendance
Improve academic performance
Northport Community Learning Center Gallery Night
Next Wednesday evening from 5-8 is the Northport Community Learning Center Gallery Night. Lots of our students have done amazing paintings. They would love to see you there. There will be awesome food, too.
Calling all Black Hawk Middle School parents/caregivers and staff: We welcome you to join our December PTO meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 19 at 5:15-6:30! We will meet at the school, and light refreshments will be served.
We will welcome Interim Principal Dr. Abplanalp and other BHMS staff to continue working together to support our teachers and scholars. If you have not had a chance, please take a moment to sign up with your contact info and take our survey to share more info with our group by clicking the link below.
The MSCR Fall Family Dinner was awesome! The food was great, the vibes were incredible, and was a great way to transition right into break. Thank you to all who attended!
We were so happy to see so many families! We hope anyone that was unable to make it to this family event, can join us at the next event!
Is your student interested in winter fun with friends? Join MSCR's Snowboard and Ski Club! It's one of our many cherished traditions at Black Hawk Middle School. We take beginners, experts, and anything in between.
If you are interested in joining the Snowboard and Ski Club, please fill out the form below to ensure you receive S&S information once it comes out. If you have any questions, reach out to MSCR After School Coordinator Jovaughn Lane at
Wednesday, Dec. 6 | 8th Grade Families High School Opportunities Night (Virtual)
- Wednesday, Dec. 13 | 5:30-6:30 p.m. Black Hawk Middle School Orchestra Concert