FEBRUARY 6, 2024

Information for ministers, educators, church administrators, clerks, and congregations


Past Issues





Honoring Black Lives in February

This month, we celebrate the contributions of American Americans to our society. Black women and men utilize their gifts and talents every day to serve God and the Presbyterian Church (USA), as pastors, ruling elders, educators, musicians, presbytery leaders, and faithful congregation members. Learn about some notable African American leaders through biographies compiled by the Presbyterian Historical Society. Each biography includes a free bulletin insert for sharing with your congregation.

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Lenten Series: Pastors, Priests, Problem Solvers, and Prophets

Presbyter Flo Barbee-Watkins and First Church (Richmond) pastor Amy Starr Redwine will be speakers for the Lenten Series at St. Paul’s Episcopal (Richmond) in March. The 2024 program highlights everyday leadership in extraordinary times. Learn about all five speakers and register for the program and optional lunch. 

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Worship Resources for Mr. Rogers Day

Celebrate the ministry of Fred Rogers on his birthday, March 20. The Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, Office of Theology and Worship, and Office of Christian Formation have a variety of resources for use in different context and settings.

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Know a Young Adult Looking for a Meaningful Opportunity?

Presbyterian Mission Agency seeks young adults for a faith-based year of service. Through the Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program, volunteers assist agencies in the United States and around the world with addressing root causes of poverty and reconciliation. Alongside this work, volunteers explore the meaning of their Christian faith and accountability to their neighbors in the community with peers and mentors. The deadline to apply for 2024-2025 is March 1 for international sites and June 1 for U.S. sites. The YAV assignment runs August 2024 to August 2025.

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Faith Leaders Invited to Workshop at Holocaust Museum

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in D.C. has announced the topic for its 2024 Congregational Leaders Workshop. April 9-11, the museum welcomes faith leaders for Beyond Horror and Shame: Legacies of the Holocaust for Faith Communities and the Future. Applications are due February 23. There is no cost for the workshop and non-local participants can have their travel and lodging costs covered.

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Keeping Your Congregation Safe

Being prepared is one of the most important steps we can take in making our churches safe and hospitable places for everyone. The Presbytery of James has invited Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to lead a training on church safety that will cover situations of an active shooter, fire, and other disasters. Although the likelihood of any of these situations is low, it is important that we know how to prevent these situations when we can and take care of one another if something does happen.

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Registration for Presbytery Meeting Closes February 16

Make sure to register for the 116th stated meeting by February 16. The meeting is February 17 at Gayton Kirk and on Zoom. Ministers who cannot attend should request to be excused by emailing [email protected].

Find meeting resources

Thanks to Woodville Church for hosting and all the participants who joined in this weekend's workshop on church vitality.

Presbytery Events

Disaster Relief Trip

February 3-11

Fort Myers, Florida

Social Justice and Partnership Workshop

February 16

Chester Church

Self-Development of People Ministry

116th Meeting

February 17

The Gayton Kirk and Zoom

Call to Order: 9:30 a.m.

Overture deadline: Dec. 22, noon

Registration open through February 16

Church Safety Training

March 9

Fairfield Church

All Presbytery Leaders Retreat

April 16-17

Roslyn Retreat Center

Ageism and Spirituality Retreat

April 18

Camp Hanover

Older Adult Ministry

Equipping the Saints Officer Training

April 27

Location TBA

117th Meeting

June 18

Invitation needed

Call to Order: 9:30 a.m.

Overture deadline: April 23, noon

Packet online: June 4

View the presbytery calendar

Church & Community Events

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NEXT Church Winter Workshops

January 11-February 8

Youth Ministry Lunch

February 8, noon

Presbytery office

Intergenerational Ministry Intro

January 8, 2 p.m.

Gen On, Zoom

Camp and Retreat Sunday

February 11


Planning Calendar Photo Deadline

February 14


Ringing at the Springs

February 18-20

Massanetta Springs

St. Paul's Lenten Speaker Series

February 21-March 20

St. Paul's Episcopal Church (Richmond)

Civil Rights Travel Seminar Deadline

February 23

Presbyterian Peacemaking Program

Confirmation Retreat

February 23-25

Camp Hanover

The Gift of Small Conference

February 29-March 4

St. Simons Island, Georgia

Salisbury Hymn Festival

March 3, 5 p.m.

Salisbury Church, Midlothian

LGBTQIA+ Youth Ministry Course

March 5-26

APCE, via Zoom

PW Book Discussion

March 11


Mr Rogers Day Resources

March 20

NEXT Church National Gathering

April 8-11

Legacies of the Holocaust Seminar

April 9-11

Clergy Couple Retreat

July 29-August 1

Massanetta Springs

Scotland Trip

September 13-23

With Three Chopt Church

View event details

Employment Opportunities

Learn about church employment opportunities or submit an opportunity to POJ's calls and jobs board.

  • Part time installed minister, Waddell Memorial Church (Rapidan)
  • Installed minister, Amelia Church (Amelia)
  • Interim senior pastor/head of staff, River Road Church (Richmond)
  • Director of traditional music, River Road Church (Richmond)
  • Organist, Ashland Church (Ashland)
View job details
Submit an opportunity

Calls and Jobs in Nearby Presbyteries 

National Capital Presbytery

Presbytery of Eastern Virginia

Presbytery of the Peaks

Shenandoah Presbytery

PC(USA) Job Board

Association of Partners in Christian Education Job Board

Past Issues





The Current is published weekly. Submit an announcement for an upcoming issue by emailing editor Kelley Hope. Submissions due Thursday at 5 p.m. for the following week. Send text (including a link to your website/Facebook page) in the body of your email or in a Word document. Attach photos to your email if desired. Please do not send graphics or flyers.

Office Telephone | (804) 262-2074

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