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Read news from the world of astronomy for the week of April 21, 2023.
Latest News
The most distant pair of supermassive black holes discovered offers a unique insight into how galaxies merge.

A new analysis of Event Horizon Telescope data sharpens our view of the glowing gas encircling the black hole.

A citizen-science project aims to broadcast the eclipses coming up this year and next.

Observing Highlights
In twilight this evening, look for the crescent Moon to the lower right of Venus. As it darker watch for Aldebaran to appear, and then, the Pleiades. Venus, the crescent Moon, and Aldebaran form an isosceles triangle in the west as darkness falls tomorrow.

We have an exciting week ahead with a crescent Moon that might break your observing record followed by a well-timed Lyrid meteor shower.

This month’s episode offers an easy-to-follow guide to finding the solar system’s two innermost planets after sunset.

Free virtual lecture on May 5th presented by Yutaka Hirai and the Kalamazoo Astronomical Society on Understanding the Milky Way's history answers the question, "How did we get here?"

Last March, S&T editor Diana Hannikainen accompanied a group of stargazers to the islands of Hawai’i on an astronomical adventure.