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Read news from the world of astronomy for the week of August 25, 2023.
Latest News
Astronomers may have spotted a supermassive black hole in the early universe that formed when a gargantuan gas cloud imploded.

In a first, India’s Chandrayaan 3 soft-lands in the lunar south pole region of the Moon.

Nearly 30 years of observations indicate that Neptune’s clouds and brightness vary with the Sun’s activity.

Observing Highlights
Saturn comes to opposition. Vega crests at the zenith, while Arcturus is exploring the lower west. Go out before the first light of dawn now, and there's your New Year's evening view.

Some ideas for those who still need a place to go on April 8, 2024, to see the total solar eclipse.

Comet Nishimura is quickly brightening in the morning sky and may be faintly visible with the naked eye next month.

Many skywatchers look forward to seeing the Perseid meteors every August, and this month’s Sky Tour episode explains why they’ll be especially good this year.

The Astronomical Society of New Haven will be holding CSP-33 at the Edmund D. Strang Scout Reservation in Goshen, CT on the weekend of September 15-17, 2023.