Blackbeards I Issue 419
Buried Treasure Newsletter
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April 2021
In this issue:
. . . AND MORE!
Ships Log . . .
Well Spring has sprung, and I can’t thank all you Pirates enough for how these first three months of 2021 has started off. We have had so many New and Old Pirates come aboard the ship and upon disembarking most all of them have declared “I Shall Return ….with more buccaneers”.

So remember, when you do come back and bring New Pirates take advantage of our Veteran Pirate Referral Program: let us know about any new Pirates that you refer, they must stay a minimum of 3 nights, and you get a free night’s stay in one of our Single Room Categories (excluding the Captain’s Quarters).

Airport/COVID-19 Testing…

As of 26 January 2021, the U. S Government (CDC) WILL REQUIRE PROOF of a pre-departure negative COVID-19 test (within 3 days) upon arrival into the United States from a foreign country.

All guest can get this test at Laboratorio Cubanor in Puerto Plata — Antigen test for COVID is $45 or 2500 peso RD — takes one hour for the results — all guests from Blackbeards will be taken care of right away.

The Government of the Dominican Republic DOES NOT REQUIRE PROOF of a negative COVID-19 test upon entry (if you happen to have a negative test please bring it with you anyway).


Beginning 16 March 2021 through 15 April 2021: As part of the continued state of emergency all Dominicans and tourists will be subject to a curfew from Monday – Friday: 9:00 PM – 5:00 AM and Saturday – Sunday: 7:00 PM – 5:00 AM. 
La Capitana
Ahoy!! Be Advised!!!... 
Shhhhh….Our website is pretty low keyed….So - If you want the Shipmate rate info and a few more photos….send us an email! (click link below)
Here is your opportunity to get free nights on us!! If you are a veteran pirate (sailed with us before) and you refer a new pirate (must be their first voyage) for a minimum 3 night stay…you get one free night for yourself!! Click below for details. 
 Bikini Contest … #391, March 27th . . .
For our 391st Bikini Contest it was "All hands on deck!" . . . and a great booty was had by all!!

SIXTEEN Lovely Shipmates pulled off another memorable event that I expect no one will forget, at least, until the next bikini contest . . . the event was not the only thing that was "pulled off". The chicas were
showing signs of a little heat stress - so several of the Pirates made sure they stayed hydrated . . . You can read into that anyway you would like to!! . . .
Our Bikini Contest winner Lisbeth was all smiles when the "Miss Bikini Barba Negra" Sash was placed over her shoulder …Second Place went to Sunny with Violeta rounding out the top three.  
 Babydoll/Lingerie Raffle Night…
There is a lot more to this night than a boat load of Shipmates running around in their PJ's . . . You get music, dancing, dance contests, singing, and a raffle with a chance to win a great lap dance and keep the "jammies" . . . sorry Chica not included.

Usually - the night turns into a dance fest with the girls putting on a "Shake Your Booty" show that will rattle the fillings in your teeth!!
 Ms. Universe #296 - March 20th...
What a line up!! We had SIX HOT Contestants for our 296th Ms. Universe Contest!! No blimey, Shipmate Annabel . . . blew them all away!!! Something about the way she WOW-ed the crowd with her "Yo Ho Ho" dance routine, great smile and sexy attire . . . AARRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!

The Shipmates always support their sister Shipmates with hugs, kisses and applause!! . . . We ALWAYS have great music, dance routines and great competition . . . Congrats Annabel!! 
 Show Us Your Colors Night!!. . . .
Every Thursday night we kick off the weekend with our Shipmates Color Coordinated Night. It’s a night of fun in our upstairs Crow’s Nest Bar/Disco, when all of the Shipmates dress in the same color. Music, lights and dancing with Shipmates is a great way to start off any weekend. 

The Crow's Nest Bar/Disco is temporarily closed due to COVID restrictions. But, that hasn't stopped our lovely shipmates from being sexy, getting color coordinated and dancing every Thursday.
 Wet T-Shirt Night…..
Since getting back to our tropical evenings our Shipmates needed some cooling off and our Pirates were only happy to oblige.

Our Wednesday night Wet T-Shirt contest was just what the Captain ordered with our Pirates seeing double as Six sexy Shipmates are dowsed with buckets of water (watch the Hair Please….) until the crowd decides on the 3 Finalists . . . usually all 3 put on such a performance that all of them should be declared our Wet T-Shirt Winners!!!! 
Chica of the Month…..
Our Pirates continue to submit our "Chica Comment Cards" and for the month of April- there was definitely one clear winner for our "Chica Of The Month" – Johana! - Nothing but high marks for her fantastic services!! 

Keep the Comment Cards coming Pirates!! They are in your Guest Services Book and you submit 
Events - What's Coming Up??...

Until April 5th

  • Final Four — 5 p.m. start on Saturday, April 3
  • NCAA championship game — 9 p.m. Monday, April 5

Starts April 8th Until April 11th

  • Opening Round Thursday, April 8th - Show us Your Colors Night 
  • Round 2 Friday, April 9th - Babydoll/Lingere Show
  • Round 3 Saturday, April 10th – Bikini Contest by the Pool
  • Final Round, Sunday April 11th – Jacuzzi Party (For Guests Only)  
Room Availability & Hot Tips!!!.....
We are currently taking reservations through September 2021

APRIL – We do have ample availability. Come and celebrate Easter this year with our Easter Bunnies…errr…ahhh….we mean Shipmates AAAARRRRGHHHH!!!

MAY - Springtime in the Dominican Republic, Romance awaits you here at Blackbeards. Plenty of rooms and Shipmates available.... Don't hesitate, Call now 809-970-3268  

JUNE – Summer is knocking on the door …so come on down so you can Knock Knock Knock on Heavens door at Blackbeards…..Lots of rooms for our Shipmates to make you feel Forever Young!!!! 
Once you have checked on availability…………
From The Treasure Chest .....
As BlackBeard himself once said . . . 
”my secluded hideout has it all . . . Wine, Food and Song.”

One visit and you will be “Hooked”
BlackBeards Adult Resort
Costambar Beach, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
Reservations: 1-809-970-3268

Blackbeards Adult Resort | 1-809-970-3268 |