Presbytery of Blackhawk


September 29, 2023

Presbytery Gathers

The highlight of the September 12 Presbytery Meeting at Stronghold was welcoming and hearing from our three Kenyan guests representing Imenti Presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa – our Kenya Partners. The message during our worship was given by Rev. Samuel Muratha who serves the PCEA as their Director of Mission. Kaburu and Kajuju M’Ribu also represented our partners in Kenya. During their 10 day visit to Blackhawk they had more opportunities to connect with many of their partners-in-Christ.

Commissioners approved the Presbytery budget for 2024 (including a new per capita rate of $43), the minimum terms of call for pastors for 2024, a new version of the Ecclesiastical Administrative Manual and heard reports from the various entities serving the Presbytery.

We were pleased to commission two pastors to new commissions and one re-commissioning. Find minutes and reports here.

Plan now to attend the Novmeber 14 assembly meeting, held in person at Sterling First Pres. and on zoom.


Four in 2024 (Assembly Meetings)

Tuesday February 6, 2024

On Zoom only – starting at 6:00 pm

Tuesday May 14, 2024, 9:30am

Hybrid – location TBD and on zoom

Tuesday September 17, 2024, 9:30am

In person only at Stronghold

Tuesday November 19, 2024, 9:30am

Hybrid – location TBD and on zoom


Do YOU know of a young adult in your congregation who may be interested in serving the greater PCUSA as a YAAD to GA next summer? Must be age between 18-23.



Advent Resource Guide from PCUSA Store


Changing the World is a confirmation curriculum focused on missional identity


Because you need more Books

Matthew 25 Summit: An Invitation to Innovation

Mark your Calendars to attend! January 16-18, 2024 in Atlanta.


The Current
Blackhawk Prayer Calendar
can be found on our website.

Make Plans!


Fall Retreat for Middle School and

High School Youth at Stronghold

Young people from across the Presbytery (and beyond) will gather for a weekend of fun and faith-building. This is a perfect opportunity for smaller contingents to be a part of large group activities. Stronghold Camp and Retreat Center offers lodging, food and activites that are kid-focused and fun.

Please click below to be sure you receive all the details. In the meantime, start rounding up your youth and plan a fundraiser to help with expenses. SHARE FLYER


Will YOU Be a General Assembly Commissioner?

Applications for 226th General Assembly commissioners for 2024 in Salt Lake City, Utah (June 25 - July 4,) are now accepted from Blackhawk minister members or ruling elders endorsed by their congregation. In addition, young adults, between the ages of eighteen (18) and twenty-three (23) on the date the General Assembly convenes may apply as a Young Adult Advisory Delegate (YAAD).

All applications received by the extended deadline of October 13, 2023 will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee with nominees selected for election at the November 14, 2023 Presbytery Assembly as a GA Commissioner, YAAD and their appropriate alternates. Our presbytery is allowed to send one minister member, one ruling elder and one YAAD to General Assembly. Alternates will be elected to serve should one of the commissioners or YAAD be unable to fulfill their term.

Please Click Here for the guidelines and applications. As of today, we have applications for minister members, BUT NOT ruling elders. Apply soon!

On The Road to GA

Boundary Training Opportunity

An option for online boundary training is available this fall from our neighboring presbytery. Please see the letter outlining Blackhawk's requirement, contact the office with your questions or notification of completion. And be sure to register in advance!

The Presbytery of Chicago is offering boundary training on:

·   Wednesday, October 17-Thursday, October 18 from 9:30-noon each day / Register

Did you know that the Synod of Lincoln Trails offers Mission Initiative Grants to congregations who want to try a NEW mission endeavor in their community? These grants of up to $1,500 will support congregation-based mission activities. Apply by October 6. 

The application is simple - tell us the story of the new missional activity you would like to try. We’re eager to hear how churches throughout the synod are engaging mission and dreaming of new outreach. Apply here:

A Great Presbytery Assembly Meeting!

David Spaulding on guitar + Ann Legg at piano led worshippers in energetic praise!

Many thanks to our Kenyan guests and Blackhawk members of the Partnership who made the sharing and exchange possible.

Service of commissioning pastors to service - God bless Colleen, Gretchen and Ray!

RIP Medical Debt has recently announced that they have reached a HUGE milestone: $10 billion in medical debt abolished for millions nationwide! "Our recipients are at the center of our work, and we could not have done this without the generosity of our donors and partners" - including the $19,379.65 raised by Blackhawk churches in 2022. The need is still enormous - why not add to your 2023 mission?  

We Remember...

Two members and friends of the Presbytery on their recent passing to eternal life.

Elder Dale Prindiville served as Moderator, committee member and faithful servant to her home church and to Blackhawk. Services have been held at Belvidere First.

Cathie Huff, wife of retired Rev. John Huff found countless ways to serve the church and Stronghold. Service at Romeoville United on Oct. 28 at 3:00 pm.

Thanks be to God for their life and witness.


Presbytery Meeting

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

9:30 am

Hybrid - In person at Sterling First Pres. and on zoom


The per capita assessment for:

2023 is $42.00

2024 is $43.00

Church payments are posted monthly on the website

Visit our website:

Presbytery of Blackhawk

Our Vision and Values

     Grounded in the biblical image for human community, as disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, we challenge and support congregations to be thriving faith communities by facilitating competent leadership and resourcing to energize ministry and mission.

     As Christians, guided by the principles of love, trust, open communication, and genuine relationships, we value each other as sisters and brothers in faith in all our varied theological understandings. Therefore, we relish respectful discussions of differing opinions as a necessary part of discerning the will of God.

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