Host an Ecumenical Advisory Delegate for Next Year's GA
A message from Dianna Wright, Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations
The 225th General Assembly (2022) acted to invite ten international ecumenical advisory delegates to worship and work with us at our next assembly, which is scheduled for June 25th through July 4th. The Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations Committee (GACEIR) invites you to host one of our ten international EADs.
This hybrid assembly will make it very difficult for our international guests to participate online and then travel to the U.S. for the in-person assembly. We wish to make their experience as hospitable as possible.
The host will be responsible for providing housing and meals during their stay from June 23 to June 28. The 28th is a travel day to Salt Lake City (perhaps to travel with your commissioners and YAAD). The EAD will need support for their online GA work. This may include internet connection, computer, copies of committee documents, translation services, and invitations to participate in the church’s life and witness (when not online), etc. We are looking for those with or without a connection to those invited. Our EADs will represent the following international communions:
• Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem
• Presbyterian Church in Portugal
• Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Chile
• Presbyterian Church of Honduras
• Presbyterian Church in Grenada
• United Church of Christ in Japan
• Church of Bangladesh
• Presbyterian Church of Myanmar
• Presbyterian Church of Liberia
• Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa
If you are interested and want to talk about being a host and providing PC(USA) hospitality to our guests, please contact us by reaching out to Sherri Hunter.