Presbytery of Blackhawk
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Stronghold Confirmation Retreat
Bring your confirmation class members and join with youth and leaders from other churches on group projects, teambuilding, worship - in addition to participating in planned time for discussion and reflection. The retreat takes place in the Stronghold castle and is a great supplement your current confirmation program.
7:30pm on Friday Feb. 7 to
Sunday morning, Feb 9.
The cost is $145 per participant and $75 per adult leader.
Fill out this form to register and email it to or call Kitty at 815-732-6111 ext. 613
Confirmation retreat Registration form 2025
Stronghold Confirmation Retreat 2025 flyer
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"As If We Were Dreaming..."
Presbyterian YouthTriennium is coming July 28-31 to Louisville! Be sure your youth are fired up to join the excitement.
The participant fee for the event is $199. This fee includes all programming, event meals, an official Triennium T-shirt, and more. Travel and housing are additional costs. booked by each delegation.
Stay tuned! More information rolling out very soon - a Blackhawk Delegation IS forming! Contact the office to be sure you stay informed. See the FAQs for who can attend etc.
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New Year News from Presbyterian Women
Did you make some New Year’s Resolutions? One of mine was to see if Blackhawk Presbytery can complete lots of Church World Service Kits. Some churches make kits and some churches make a financial contribution. Funds help with the cost of shipping kits around the world. With the hurricanes along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts and wildfires in California, I’m sure most of us know of someone in those areas. CWS has revised the contents of all their kits - please check their website for the updated lists, before beginning. If your church is on their mailing list, you will receive a packet of information.Or contact them at 800-257-1516, to request a packet.
Blessings to all, Jill Sunday
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Transitional Ministry Training this Spring in St. Louis
Synod of Mid-America & the Synod of Lincoln Trails (MALT) invite you to attend “The Art of Transitional Ministry” training May 12-16, 2025, at the Mercy Conference and Retreat Center in St Louis, MO. The benefit of learning together in person, sharing experiences and asking questions--over meals, walks in the woods, and during table groups--is incredible. The MALT training includes an excellent faculty, held in a beautiful location--with an outdoor labyrinth and lovely grounds--and good food, carefully attentive to allergens and special diets.
This acclaimed training is not limited to those presently engaged in or inquiring about transitional ministry. Anyone interested in learning how to walk through change alongside a church is invited to join in. Both Week 1 and Week 2 are offered at this event - you choose one track.
Program fee is $1,100 (includes lodging and meals.)
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Pondering God with Presbyterians:
What Do We Believe and Why?
A Leader Formation Webinar
March 6, 2025; 6-7:30 pm (central)
This webinar will explore some basic theological convictions of our faith, including what we hold in common with other Christians and peculiar treasures of the Reformed tradition. Want to learn more about the mystery of the Trinity, justification by grace through faith, or the puzzle of predestination? Come join the conversation!
This event is provided for free for participants and is funded through your per capita dollars.
REGISTER HERE (where you can also find past Webinar recordings)
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Time to Examine Your Social Media | |
Why not share more than stock photos or Sunday worship links.
As they say in Start Trek: ENGAGE!
Clockwise from bottom left: Fairbury First, Rochelle First, Sterling First, Manteno Community, Rockford Third (also celebrated with the fancy cupcakes).
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Are you doing something new or interesting in your church from which others might learn?
You have a standing invitation to send us articles, pictures or information to share.
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Solo Pastor: Installed
First, Sterling
Solo Pastor: Installed
Westminster, Rockford
Solo Pastor: Installed
First, Dixon
Commissioned Ruling Elder
First Mendota
Solo Pastor: Installed (30 hours)
First Mendota
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Solo Pastor: Installed
Second Cong./First Pres.
Solo Pastor: Installed
First, Fairbury
Commissioned Ruling Elder
First Fairbury
See the CLC for more info - anyone can do an opportunity search
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Presbytery Meeting
Tuesday, February 11, 2024
5:30 pm, Zoom only!
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The per capita assessment for:
2025 is $44.00
Church payments are posted monthly on the website
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Presbytery of Blackhawk
Our Vision and Values
Grounded in the biblical image for human community, as disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, we challenge and support congregations to be thriving faith communities by facilitating competent leadership and resourcing to energize ministry and mission.
As Christians, guided by the principles of love, trust, open communication, and genuine relationships, we value each other as sisters and brothers in faith in all our varied theological understandings. Therefore, we relish respectful discussions of differing opinions as a necessary part of discerning the will of God.
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