National Bladder Health Awareness Month

Millions of Americans struggle with bladder conditions such as urinary incontinence, interstitial cystitis, urinary tract infections, urinary retention, overactive bladder(OAB), nocturia, and bladder cancer to name a few.

According to statistics from the American Urological Association:
* Bladder diseases and conditions cost over $70 Billion annually
* More than 33 million adults in the US have OAB
* Nursing home admissions due to urinary incontinence are estimated to cost $6 Billion annually
* Urinary Tract Infections cause more than 8 million provider visits annually

Here are a few tips to improve your Bladder Health

* Drink plenty of water. Taking in half of your body weight in ounces is a good rule of thumb.
* Decrease the amount of caffeine and alcohol you drink. Limiting your bladder irritant intake with dietary changes and modifications can make a big difference in bladder activity. Learn what foods might be a trigger for any unwanted bladder symptoms.
* Don't hover over the toilet seat. Sit down to urinate and take your time to allow for full bladder emptying.
* Stop smoking. Tobacco is a major cause of bladder cancer.
* Maintain a healthy weight. Obesity can be a contributor to urinary incontinence.
* Keep a strong pelvic floor. Your pelvic floor muscles help control urination and urinary continence.

Take an active role in managing bladder health! If your bladder needs a tune-up, the therapists at CTS can help!!

CTS Welcomes Back Dr. Mark Wiesner

Dr. Wiesner received his doctorate in clinical psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology in 1976 where he wrote his doctoral dissertation on sexual dysfunction. He did his post-doctoral training at the Crenshaw Clinic under the supervision under Roger T. Crenshaw, M.D and Theresa L. Crenshaw, M.D., fellows with Masters and Johnson, learning the Masters and Johnson Technique for Sex Therapy. Dr. Wiesner became a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in 1976, an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist in 1978, and a licensed Clinical Psychologist in 1979. Dr. Wiesner has been in private practice for over 40 years, specializing in the evaluation and treatment of sexual dysfunction and uro-genital problems. He spent 15 years as a consulting psychologist at the Naval Medical Center San Diego in the Department of OBGYN evaluating and treating women with chronic pelvic pain. While there he wrote "Psychogenic Pelvic Pain; Diagnosis and Management, Published in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. His treatment areas of expertise include: Male and Female sexual dysfunction, sexual trauma, pornography addiction, and treating the psychological aspects of chronic pain.

Dr. Wiesner has taught and lectured at various hospitals, colleges and universities and has written numerous articles on sexuality, additionally he holds three patents; two are for sexual pharmaceuticals and one is a treatment device for enuresis. Dr. Wiesner is a strong advocate for integrative health care and finds it extremely important to work closely with allied professionals.

To schedule an appointment or for more questions, contact (858) 457-8419.

Postpartum Part 1: Diastasi Recti
Wednesday, November 13th from 10:30 - 11:15 am

This three-part series is a response to the constant feedback of " Why does no one talk about this?!" heard so often behind the closed doors of the exam room. We'll go over the most common questions and myths of various pelvic health concerns. The focus of this first meeting is diastasis recti. 

Stay tuned for Part II coming in January 2020.

Cost: $10 payable at time of class
RSVP: Anne Shea at or 858-457-8419

Series led by Anne Shea, DPT, OCS

Anne is a Doctor of Physical Therapy with a focus on the
treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction.  Learn More About Anne

Men's Pelvic Pain Support Group
Tuesday, November 19th at 6pm

1 in 12 men suffer from pelvic pain and most suffer in silence.

Let's gather together and share our experience and resources. Together we can heal & help others get on the road to recovery. For more information, contact Milan at or 858-457-8419.