National Bladder Health Awareness Month Millions of Americans struggle with bladder conditions such as urinary incontinence, interstitial cystitis, urinary tract infections, urinary retention, overactive bladder(OAB), nocturia, and bladder cancer to name a few.
According to statistics from the American Urological Association:
* Bladder diseases and conditions cost over $70 Billion annually
* More than 33 million adults in the US have OAB
* Nursing home admissions due to urinary incontinence are estimated to cost $6 Billion annually
* Urinary Tract Infections cause more than 8 million provider visits annually
Here are a few tips to improve your Bladder Health
Drink plenty of water. Taking in half of your body weight in ounces is a good rule of thumb.
Decrease the amount of caffeine and alcohol you drink. Limiting your bladder irritant intake with dietary changes and modifications can make a big difference in bladder activity. Learn what foods might be a trigger for any unwanted bladder symptoms.
Don't hover over the toilet seat. Sit down to urinate and take your time to allow for full bladder emptying.
Stop smoking. Tobacco is a major cause of bladder cancer.
Maintain a healthy weight. Obesity can be a contributor to urinary incontinence.
Keep a strong pelvic floor. Your pelvic floor muscles help control urination and urinary continence.
Take an active role in managing bladder health! If your bladder needs a tune-up, the therapists at CTS can help!!