Wednesday, January 8, 2025




Our new year is off to a quick start with Officer Training this Saturday. If you haven't already, register quick. Processing takes time to get ready for you! You'll get guidelines, best practices and ways to involve more women in your local group.

Interest in this year's UWFaith Texas Legislative Event has been amazing - with a record number of registrations! You can still register and go to Austin with a scheduled legislative visit or choose to watch virtually. Watch parties are being organized too.

Watch Jana's video prayer for inspiration and comfort. Ahhh, its just what I needed!

Wendy Campbell, 2025 HTC UWFaith President


local officer training 2025

30 minutes to make your job easier!

Training For Local UWF Officers

Saturday, January 11th on Zoom

This Saturday! Register NOW!

This virtual training is for all local officers - new and experienced. Each office will have a 30 - 45 minute session led by the Conference and District Officers. The position will be defined along with how they relate to other officers and committees. Pertinent report forms will be explained, and handouts will provide guidance.

Each short training session will be presented at a unique time and provide the basics with tips and handouts. This allows an officer with two areas of responsibility to attend more than one session. Click the button below for the schedule. You only need to tune in for the session(s) you choose.

All UWFaith officers should plan to attend!

see the schedule & REGSTER NOW! 
Local Treasurer Training

* Local Treasurer Training: 

Each District will schedule their own session soon for local Treasurers. This will allow more time for questions and answers regarding local situations.

(District Treasurers will be trained on January 11th.)


Jana Jones Prayer for New Year

From Jana Jones, President

2024-2028 UWFaith Board of Directors

UWFaith Member from Mountain Sky Conference

Click the image to watch her share her prayer

This is my prayer: Lord of Liberation,

this new year fills us with many mixed feelings

Anxiety and hope, fear and determination.

Give us strength. Fill us with love and fill us with hope. May we have ears to hear the cries of the needy. May we have the eyes to see those in our very presence who suffer. May we find our voices to speak up. May our hearts be set on fire to seek justice in an unjust world. And may you bless us with just enough foolishness to truly believe that we can make a difference. Amen.


TX Leg Event 2025

Presented by the United Women in Faith of Texas


Sunday - Tuesday, January 26-28

Learn about current issues impacting our communities and be equipped with other women in faith so you can boldly advocate for justice!

Participants get unbiased, up-to-date information on issues of concern, meet with experts to discuss solutions and leave empowered to advocate and work for progress in their communities.

People from all faith communities are welcome to learn and advocate with us. This United Women in Faith event has a record number of people registered this year. Your friends and neighbors are welcome to join us.

Deep-dive into Issues like:

Maternal & Child Health, Public Education, Climate Change, Resisting Christian Nationalism, Just Immigration, Supporting Families, and Voting Rights.

Advocacy 101 Legislative Visits

In Austin or Virtual Options • Scholarships & Stipends available

Registration, speaker updates and more info is at

United Women in Faith believe love in action can change the world.

United Women in Faith welcome ALL women of faith, no church membership required. We connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence, and impact communities, locally and globally.