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Blessings Abound at Beltane!


May 1 is a Springtime celebration most commonly known as May Day. Many of us have probably also heard the name Beltane. Beltane is a pagan point on the wheel of the year that falls right between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. Our seeds have been planted and are starting to sprout, flowers bloom, fertility and life energy are at their peak and we can’t help but frolic and play in the sunshine and fresh dew of Spring.


Beltane means “bright fire” and was traditionally celebrated with a fire festival. The whole community comes together around the largest bonfire of the year to further activate abundant life and intentions becoming manifest. People jump over the fire and/or pass through the smoke to cleanse, purify themselves, and to bring fertility. Couples jump the fire to commit themselves to each other, recognizing the creative potential of two forces joining together. This creative force of the combined masculine and feminine energy is also represented by the Maypole dance. The masculine is represented by the solid, stable, grounded pole while the feminine dances and weaves her creation with him in the spiral of life. The God and Goddess energies are equal at this moment in time, perfect fertile ground for co-creation. This is a potent time for all of us to bring our ideas, hopes and dreams to the light and activate them with the collective energy of celebration.


If you are unable to attend a maypole dance or bonfire, you can still celebrate and participate in the magic of this moment by simply writing your intentions on a colorful ribbon and tying it in a tree, or write them on a piece of paper and pass it over a candle flame. And, of course, don’t forget to dance, letting the energy of the season flow through you!

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Our Breitenbush Credo, adopted in 1978, ends with "We of the Breitenbush Community dedicate ourselves ... to being socially, spiritually, politically, and environmentally responsible."

The fire of 2020, in which we lost 73 buildings including all of our guest cabins, was an expression of a much larger problem. Global climate change is a problem that all humans must deal with now. We are committed in our rebuilding and in our educational programming to continuing to address this crisis at the local level, as well as the evolution of society worldwide. Thank you for supporting us.

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Breitenbush Hot Springs

PO Box 245

Idanha, OR, 97350

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