"Building a generation of character for today and tomorrow." 
Newsletter - June 2018

Website Redesign a 'Hit' Thanks to the Baker Family

Check out our newly renovated   Blizzard Foundation website Please join the Blizzard Foundation in extending a huge thank you to Joe and Gavin Baker for donating their time to help share our story and market our brand. We are incredibly grateful for their time and talent.

Fore! Golf Tournament Spots Filling Up Quick
Our third annual  Johnny Price IV Memorial Golf Tournament  is  taking place Monday, August 20 at  Legends Golf Club , recognized as National Golf Course of the Year, this 18-hole championship course nestled in a wooded, yet marshy area on the border of Lakeville and Prior Lake  in Prior Lak e. This is our largest fundraiser of the year. Join us for this fantastic event in support of a great cause
Register Below:
Contact Blizzard Foundation's executive director, Jeff Huth at (763) 242-2125

Teaching Life Through Baseball at Battle Creek Middle School

Earlier this summer, the Blizzard Foundation set out to provide a positive outlet for kids of
Battle Creek Middle School during the summer months. This past Tuesday marked week three of this eight week baseball camp geared to teach kids life lessons through the game of baseball. We are proud to partner with  Mindstrong Project to make this possible. Harvey Martin and David Fischer have been a fantastic  addition to this camp.

"Surrounded by a group of individuals of all ages and
background s over the last few weeks while  building a foundation on strong values and purpose is special to The Mindstrong Project. We a re very grateful to be around these amazing ind ividuals." - Harvey Martin

The students at Battle Creek Middle School will be taking this Tuesday off as we head into the Fourth of July. Camp will resume on the 10th and run into August.  Thank you to all of our sponsors to make this possible!  Esch Construction Supply CooperSmith Marketing Hiway Credit Union Chartwell Financial , and  Twin Cities Orthopedics .

Twin Cities Orthopedics' CEO, Troy Simonson, Set to Throw Out First Pitch

On August 12th, the Blizzard Foundation will bring together two baseball teams to play in an exhibition game solely for the friends and families of HopeKids and Crescent Cove. The event will take place at the University of Northwestern. We intend to provide these special families a day of baseball and family fun without the need to navigate massive stadium crowds. Just like the big leagues we will have tailgating before and during, a ceremonial first-pitch, national anthem, and a great time! The Blizzard Foundation is dedicated to making baseball accessible for families and accessibility sometimes means participating as a fan. In this way, we are honored to sponsor a game of baseball exclusively for the friends and families of HopeKids and Crescent Cove.

HopeKids provides ongoing events, activities and a powerful, unique support community for families who have a child with cancer or some other life-­threatening medical condition. We surround these remarkable children and their families with the message that hope can be a powerful medicine.

Around the United States, there are over 4,700 hospice homes for
adults,  but Crescent Cove is the third of its kind designed just for children and th eir unique needs, and the only home in the Midwest. Crescent Cove offers care and support to children and young adults with a shortened life-expectancy, and to their families who love them.

Although closed to the public, we have an open opportunity for volunteers to serve or otherwise support the tail-gaiting/concessions. Contact Jeff Huth for additional information

Looking to Help?
Visit our Facebook -
 A quick and easy way to help out. Like our page and share our latest post.

Silent Auction Baskets -  We are collecting silent auction baskets for our upcoming golf tournament in August. This is a great opportunity for individuals, families, or businesses who are looking to give back in a new way! 100% of all money raised will be used for the development of the infrastructure, programs, and services of the Blizzard Foundation. I f you are able to donate auction-ready baskets, please contact Jeff Huth at 

Speaking Engagments - Need a speaker at your next Rotary meeting or Chamber event? The Blizzard Foundation frequently visits these gatherings to share the work and vision of the foundation with the community.

Reach Out - I t is our goal to impact as many families as possible. If you or someone you know may be in need of support from the Blizzard Foundation, please connect them with director, Jeff Huth at


A ugust 12th
The Blizzard Foundation will bring together two baseball teams to play in an exhibition game solely for the 
friends and families of HopeKids and Crescent Cove. The event will take place at the  University of Northwestern. We intend to provide a day of baseball and family fun without the need to navigate massive stadium crowds.

August 20th
The Blizzard Foundation Third Annual Golf Tournament at Legends Golf Club in Prior Lake. The day will consist of a 18 hole scramble followed by dinner. All proceeds will go to further the mission of the Blizzard Foundation.

December 15th
Circle this date on your calendar! The Blizzard Foundation will be hosting the first ever Blizzard Foundation Holiday Party. This will be a time for us to share accomplishments of the Blizzard Foundation, connect with other donors, and build momentum for an even better 2019! Details to come!

*If you know a baseball team or association looking for service learning opportunities contact the Blizzard Foundation today!