"Building a generation of character for today and tomorrow." 
Newsletter - September 2018
Become a Part of Something Larger

The Blizzard Foundation is looking to expand its board of directors as it enters its third year with eyes set on a World Series run. The Blizzard Foundation has grown faster than anticipated and has reached more families than expected. 2019 is set to be a year for growth as we build our summer camps to reach more communities in need, look to expand our outreach to various organizations, and provide additional fundraising opportunities.
Complete information and requirements regarding membership of the Blizzard Foundation board can be found below. 
If you or someone you know would be interested in learning more about this opportunity or joining the board, please contact Blizzard Foundation executive director, Jeff Huth for more information.


Make a Bigger Impact with Your Dollars and Hours

Did you realize many companies support non-profit organizations like the Blizzard Foundation by matching donations and even volunteer hours? You may have the opportunity to expand your giving through the generosity of your employer. Most of programs match contributions dollar for dollar, and some will even double or triple the amount of your gift.   

To determine if your company offers a matching gift program, contact your Human Resources department. If your employer requires a Federal Tax Identification Number or Employer Identification Number (EIN), please use 81-2968738

If you are interested in making your donation go further and have questions about the matching process. Please contact the Blizzard Foundation . We're here to help confirm if your employer off ers a matching gift program and  we'll even file the paperwork!


A Standing Ovation for You!

The Blizzard Foundation wants to send another heartfelt 'Thank You' to all the golfers, dinner guests, volunteers, workers, sponsors, and donors for making the Third Annual Johnny Price IV Memorial Golf Tournament a huge success! This tournament is our way of honoring Johnny and his passion for serving others and with your help, we were able to bring in over $90,000. 

Funds raised will be used to fund the Johnny Price IV Memorial Scholarship and also further our mission of making the character-building game of baseball accessible to kids and their families.

Since 2016, the Blizzard Foundation has helped make baseball accessible for over 150 families, has provided more than 2000 hours of community service opportunities to baseball players across Minnesota, and has awarded six Johnny Price IV Memorial College Scholarships. It is our goal to double these numbers over the next year. Look for updates regarding next year's event as we start the new year!

Third Annual Johnny Price IV Memorial Golf Tournament
Third Annual Johnny Price IV Memorial Golf Tournament

Volunteer Season

As summer closes and fall and winter approach, the Blizzard Foundation will
focus its efforts on providing community service opportunities for baseball players across the state of Minnesota. The Blizzard Foundation is committed to empowering baseball players to be outstanding community members. When player's job duties turn from working on the field to working off the field, we
want to be sure they are equipped with empathy, compassion, and a strong work ethic. Studies show community service opportunities help build these traits.

Best Christmas Ever is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that partners
with business leaders and communities to lift up families who have fallen on
hard times through no fault of their own by giving them a Best Christmas Ever. Volunteers are needed to help assist during their annual gala event, Thursday,  October 11th. Details 
and volunteer opportunities can be found  here .

Looking to Help?

Visit our Facebook -
A quick and easy way to help out. Like our page and share our latest post. 

Speaking Engagments - Need a speaker at your next Rotary meeting or Chamber event? The Blizzard Foundation frequently visits these gatherings to share the work and vision of the foundation with the community.

Reach Out - I t is our goal to impact as many families as possible. If you or someone you know may be in need of support from the Blizzard Foundation, please connect them with director, Jeff Huth at  [email protected]

Upcoming Dates

December 1st
This marks the deadline for families to apply for winter assistance from the Blizzard foundation.The Blizzard Foundation is dedicated to helping make baseball accessible for all families, regardless of affiliation. More information regarding the assistance application and process visit  http://www.theblizzardfoundation.org/apply-for-assistance/

December 15th
Circle this date on your calendar! The Blizzard Foundation will be hosting the first ever Blizzard Foundation Holiday Party. This will be a time for us to share accomplishments of the Blizzard Foundation, connect with other donors, and build momentum for an even better 2019! Details to come!

*If you know a baseball team or association looking for service learning opportunities contact the Blizzard Foundation today!