Patient Satisfaction Tip of the Week
Tip #8: Block Your Calendar for Same-Day Appointments
A good practice is to leave about half of your appointments open for same-day visits. This allows for:

  • Immediate access to primary care providers who can address concerns when patients are ready and willing to come in

  • A reduction of the no-show rate and appointment backlog

  • An improvement in patient satisfaction

If you have any questions, please contact L.A. Care’s Quality Improvement Department at .

L.A. Care’s Patient Satisfaction Tips of the Week are related to the Clinical and Group Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CG-CAHPS). CAHPS scores partially determine payouts for VIIP (Value Initiative for IPA Performance) and the L.A. Care P4P (Pay-for-Performance) Program.

L.A. Care wants to help you in your practice and maximize your award. If you represent an IPA practice or clinic, please share these tips with the providers in your network. 

L.A. Care Health Plan , a public entity serving Los Angeles County