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From the Supervisor's Desk
In my first three months as Supervisor, snow has been a four letter word. Seems not a holiday or weekend goes by without snow accumulating on our roads. In turn, one of the most frequent questions accumulating in my inbox or voicemails is “Why aren’t Township sidewalks being maintained and cleared of snow?!” So I want to focus on our Township Safety Path Program, why we don’t have sidewalks and the benefits safety paths provide even though they’re covered in snow during the winter season.
Over 20 years ago, before I was an elected official, I was a resident directly affected by the new concept of safety paths because my front yard touches one of the initial paths constructed. I attended the public meetings and open houses held by the township to provide information to the community and receive feedback. The lesson learned at those meetings was that safety paths are not sidewalks. Sidewalks would have required risk to homeowners with unexpected maintenance costs and the liability of a lawsuit should someone injure themselves on the sidewalks along their property, such as slipping on ice after a large snowfall.
After addressing the concerns of the residents, the township moved forward with a safety path option that passed on the first try. The program has grown into a wonderful addition to the community. These seasonal paths, currently totaling 72 miles, provide pedestrians, joggers and bikers a safe passage to schools, shopping and other points of interest. They’re a fabulous way to explore the beauty of Bloomfield Township.
The initial program has grown and the Engineering and Environmental Services Department maintains a master plan for the program. While we do receive initial complaints from residents directly impacted by proposed paths along their property lines, we usually get their support for the program once the residents realize they do not have legal risk or monetary burdens. Bloomfield Township is responsible for the paths maintenance in the spring, summer and fall. No additional cost falls on the homeowner for construction and the resident is not held liable to injuries on the paths, making them a reward without a risk to the community.
So, when residents ask, “Why are township sidewalks not being maintained and cleared of snow?!” They’re really asking why our safety paths are not being cleared. Taxpayers would technically bear the burden of paying for any lawsuits against the township due to a winter related accident on the paths and this cost in now avoided. Additionally, in 2014, the Township received cost estimates up to $500,000 in labor and resources needed to maintain the safety paths during an average winter. Those prices would be significantly higher 7 years later in 2021.
As a resident who has a safety path in my front yard, I don’t mind giving up some privacy for the path and am happy that the community can enjoy them three seasons a year without additional legal risk to me or other neighbors along the 72 miles of paths. As Supervisor, I am happy to continue to support building more miles of safety paths every year so even more neighbors can enjoy them.
The Township is fortunate to have these Safety Paths. I hope this article clarifies why the township chose safety paths over sidewalks and why those paths are not cleared in winter by residents or the Township. That said, I am excited for the warmer weather of spring and to see residents enjoying the paths.
On the subject of winter, I encourage you to view the latest Bloomfield in Focus featuring Bloomfield Hills Schools Superintendent, Pat Watson, in my 2021 Winter Update. We discuss the relationship between township government and schools as well as the recent bond that was passed.
Stay warm and think spring.
Dani Walsh, Bloomfield Township Supervisor
Senior Services Valentine's Day Curbside Fundraiser
Record breaking numbers of Gypsy Moths are expected to infest Michigan this spring, including Bloomfield Township. Bloomfield Township conducted a survey of egg masses expected to hatch this spring, and the results of the survey are the highest in over 10 years. Gypsy moths is a species of invasive caterpillar that is damaging to oaks trees and other hardwood in Michigan. All residents can learn how to do their part to protect their trees from this invasive pest. Michigan State University Extension is offering a free webinar, Gypsy Moth in Your Neighborhood, to learn more about what residents can do to protect their trees. This is a free webinar on February 23 from 1 to 2 pm and is open to anyone. Advance registration is required.
Learn more about access to online newspapers, an upcoming readathon and more in a new Discover Your Library for the latest happenings at the Bloomfield Township Public Library!
Updates for Comcast Subscribers
As part of Comcast’s multi-million-dollar nationwide commitment to improve customer service, the company opened a 4,300-square-foot Xfinity® retail store in Bloomfield Township. Located at 1991 South Telegraph Road in The Village at Bloomfield shopping center, the new Xfinity store is designed entirely around the needs of customers, providing a safe, in-person store experience. The space features contemporary hands-on displays and comfortable seating areas where customers can interact with all Xfinity products from internet, video and connected home solutions to Xfinity Mobile. Patrons can learn from trained technology specialists how to get more value from these products. “Giving our customers a space to try out our products is the best way to educate them on how our technology can provide more convenience and added value,” explained Melissa Bahoora, Comcast’s vice president of sales in Michigan. “This new store also gives us a chance to enhance the customer experience through safe, face-to-face interaction and top-notch service.” Beginning March 15 and through March 21, customers may visit our store’s virtual grand opening event from a mobile device, PC, or laptop. They will have the ability to tour the virtual Xfinity store, gather information on our Xfinity products, and take part in the grand opening event prize giveaway and raffle. Visit to take part. The new store is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. Customers may schedule their visit by making an appointment here.
More updates from Comcast:
- Effective February 25, 2021, Reelz HD will be added in areas where previously not available.
- Effective March 16, 2021, ESNE TV (El Sembrador Nueva Evangelizacio) will be launched on the Multi Latino tier.
- Effective March 23, 2021, FS2 will be available as part of the Digital Starter and Sports & News packages.
- Effective April 6, 2021, HD programing subscriptions and compatible equipment will be required to view the Revolt and Aspire channels. To learn more visit
- Effective April 13, 2021, Cartoon Network will no longer be available with Digital Starter or Kids and Family. It will be available with the Preferred package. To learn more visit
Finally, a friendly reminder to township residents that the Bloomfield Township Cable Department is not affiliated with Comcast or AT&T. Questions related to your bill should be directed to the cable provider. To learn more about the Cable Department and Bloomfield Community Television, please visit their section of the township website.
Watch The Board of Trustees Meeting on Monday, Feb. 22 at 7p.m. on Comcast Channel 15, AT&T Channel 99 or Streaming on BCTV LIVE.
4200 Telegraph Road
P.O. Box 489, Bloomfield, MI 48303-0489
General Office Hours: 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday -Thursday. Closed Friday
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