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December 10, 2024

BernCo Dems End of Year Potluck: Postponed

Last week, we said we would have the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County for an End of Year Potluck on the evening December 17th. Unfortunately, we had a problem with the location. We will reschedule, but there was not enough time to find a new location.We will reschedule the potluck for January. Thanks for your understanding.

Make Your Opinion Known Today!

The Bernalillo County Commission will be meeting today at 5 p.m. to discuss two measures:

  • Agenda Item 7.Awill amend the current code of conduct for elected officials to allow former elected officials to return to work for other elected officials at the county. This removes a 1-year cooling off period that currently applies to all county elected officials. We think allowing people to leave elective office and immediately return to jobs where their previous position could be used to gain this employment or their influence could be brought to bear in their new job risks at least the appearance of inappropriate influence.

  • Agenda Item 9.B proposes immediately implementing the recently approved Constitutional Amendment 4 to establish new salary levels for incoming elected officials. The county’s budget is expected to be flat, so this plan, pursuant to Constitutional Amendment 4, to raise salaries might be inappropriately timed. It would allow commissioners to raise their salaries (currently $39,100 a year) by 10% or up to an excess of 100% (to between $43,000 to $150,000). Additional salary levels will be proposed for other jobs. We think a more considered and open process should be pursued.

Whether you agree with the italicized comment above or not, we hope you will participate in this discussion.

You can send comments prior to the meeting or speak at the meeting.

When: December 10th, 5:00 p.m.


Ken Sanchez County Commission Chambers

415 Silver Ave. SW

Albuquerque, NM 87102

Agenda: Link

5 Things, December 10 Edition

We're always on the lookout for articles, podcasts, YouTube videos, and other pieces of media to help engage local Democrats. If there's something you read, watched, or listened to this week that impacted you, email us at with a link and a quick note about why you want to share it.

1. “Luján Welcomes $25 Million to Plug Orphaned Oil and Gas Wells in New Mexico - Senator Ben Ray Luján,” Sen. Luján's Office

“Today, U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) welcomed $25 million for New Mexico to implement the REGROW Act, legislation he championed in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to clean up and remediate abandoned gas and oil wells.”

2. “Democratic governors (and 2028 hopefuls) gather to chart path under a Trump administration,” Politico

“Still reeling from the party’s electoral losses last month, the country’s Democratic governors descended on a plush Beverly Hills hotel on Friday and Saturday for a series of closed-door meetings with donors, interest groups and advocacy organizations. Officially, the event was a time to chart a path forward under a Trump administration.”

3. “Early Christmas Present: Plan to Redo State Fairgrounds Gets Guv Support … ” New Mexico Politics with Joe Monahan

“A couple of early Christmas presents have brightened the season, at least from your blog's perspective.

“First there was that somewhat surprising state decision to pump $70 million into satellite internet delivery for under-served rural areas. Second, there was the Governor's announcement that she is throwing her weight behind the idea of relocating the State Fairgrounds and repositioning the land for housing and other development.”

4. “St. John’s to offer free tuition to lower-income students,” Santa Fe New Mexican

“St. John’s College has taken another step toward making the state’s only private liberal arts campus more affordable, with a focus on attracting more New Mexico residents.

“The Annapolis- and Santa Fe-based college announced last month it would guarantee at least free academic tuition for domestic students from families making less than $75,000 annually, through a combination of federal and institutional grants.”

5. “Unemployment overpayments to be forgiven,” City Desk ABQ

“New Mexicans who mistakenly received more unemployment insurance money than they should have are off the hook for returning those erroneous overpayments.

“The New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (NMDWS) announced Friday it has received approval from federal authorities to issue a blanket waiver, allowing the department to forgive the overpayments, which were part of an economic stimulus effort during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“‘We are grateful to the U.S. Department of Labor for granting this blanket waiver, which allows the department to continue reevaluating overpayments for claimants who were paid incorrectly due to the unprecedented expansion of benefits and rapidly changing rules of that time,”’ NMDWS Cabinet Secretary Sarita Nair said. ‘This waiver provides much-needed relief to individuals who were overpaid pandemic benefits through no fault of their own.’”

All Democrats are encouraged to submit their events here.

Events and community announcements are displayed in chronological order with no preference in a Democratic primary.

WSD-HolidayDin image

You are warmly invited to our annual WSD holiday thank you meal, on Saturday, December 14, 12-2 pm, at the West Mesa Community Center, 5500 Glenrio Rd NW 87105.

WSD will provide the main dishes; you are asked to bring a side dish or dessert.

Our hard work paid off; all our West Side candidates won and won their elections by bigger margins than last time.

Watch for more details in coming weeks.

Counseling Compact Public Forum

Counseling-Compact-Public-Forum-1 image

The Counseling Compact is an interstate compact, or a contract among states, allowing professional counselors licensed and residing in a compact member state to practice in other compact member states without need for multiple licenses.

30-45 minute presentation followed by Q & A. The experts will stay on the call until 8pm to answer any questions.

When: 12-04-2024 - 01-07-2025 12:00 PM

Where: NMCA Government Committee is inviting you to a Public Forum to learn about the Counseling Compact with a Q & A to follow.

Scheduled Zoom meeting

Time: Jan 7, 2025 05:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 884 5215 6429

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