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December 03, 2024

BernCo Dems End of Year Potluck

Please join the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County for an End of Year Potluck! 

We will gather to eat and celebrate one another in community and solidarity. 

When: December 17th, 5:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m.

Where: TBA

RSVP and let us know what you’ll bring to share! 

Joy Junction Volunteer Opportunity

Our team at DPBC is asking for twenty volunteers to join us in showing up for and serving the very real needs of our community. 

On December 19, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., the DPBC will volunteer with Joy Junction to serve a holiday meal for Albuquerque’s unhoused community. 

If you’d like to join us, please notify us via email no later than Friday, Dec 6. Send your name and (unisex) t-shirt size to Vice Chair Chase Jacques-Maynes at Additional details will be provided following signup. We look forward to serving our community together! 

Come back here to learn more about other upcoming community participation opportunities. 

In the meantime, we wish you and your family a safe, grounded, and loving holiday season.

5 Things, December 3 Edition

We're always on the lookout for articles, podcasts, YouTube videos, and other pieces of media to help engage local Democrats. If there's something you read, watched, or listened to this week that impacted you, email us at with a link and a quick note about why you want to share it.

1. “10 Ways To Be Prepared and Grounded Now That Trump Has Won,” Convergence

“The key to taking effective action in a Trump world is to avoid perpetuating the autocrat’s goals of fear, isolation, exhaustion and disorientation.”

2. “Love, Power and Liberation with Angela Davis and Lama Rod Owens,” Haymarket Books (YouTube Channel)

“This intergenerational conversation among three of our most important contemporary visionary thinkers is happening at a crucial moment for our communities, three days after the November election. Given the stakes at this time, we will need a place to find refuge, build strategy and gather in community. Angela Davis, Lama Rod and Prentis Hemphill will reflect on our current political moment and why a response grounded in a radical vision for the future and a commitment to collective liberation is more critical than ever.”

3. “How Democrats Can Regain the Working Class,” The American Prospect

The next time Democratic primary candidates debate one another, they should have to answer one straightforward question: Whose hatred do you welcome?

“That question derives from Franklin D. Roosevelt’s nationally broadcast 1936 speech in Madison Square Garden, delivered just before voters went to the polls three days later. Roosevelt provided a list of the ‘old enemies’ who attacked him during his first term: monopolists, speculators, bankers, oligarchs. ‘Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me—and I welcome their hatred.’

“The following day, a few of Roosevelt’s more centrist supporters suggested he moderate his words. Roosevelt rebuffed them. Three days later, he won what is still the most overwhelming victory in American political history, not only taking the Electoral College by a 523-to-8 margin, but also winning 61 percent of the popular vote, and carrying his fellow Democrats to what are still the nation’s most lopsided congressional majorities.

4. “Environmental group, feds and irrigation district reach settlement in silvery minnow suit,” CityDesk ABQ

“U.S. District of New Mexico Magistrate Judge Gregory Fouratt approved an agreement between WildEarth Guardians, an environmental and conservation nonprofit based in Santa Fe, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and a middle Rio Grande irrigation district.

“The deal ends a 2022 lawsuit brought by WildEarth Guardians alleging the federal government mismanaged the Rio Grande and promoted unsustainable water uses, which violated provisions of the Endangered Species Act to restore habitats for the silvery minnow and two other species.”

5. “USDA funding to help tribal farmers use less water amid climate-driven drought” KANW

“The USDA’s Farm Service Agency is funneling $45 million to tribal communities who have irrigation projects owned and operated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, including the Navajo Indian Irrigation Project, Colorado River Indian Irrigation Project, and San Carlos Irrigation Project. These irrigation systems serve the Navajo Nation in New Mexico, the Gila River Indian Community in Arizona, and the Colorado River Indian Tribes in Arizona.”

All Democrats are encouraged to submit their events here.

Events and community announcements are displayed in chronological order with no preference in a Democratic primary.

WSD-HolidayDin image

You are warmly invited to our annual WSD holiday thank you meal, on Saturday, December 14, 12-2 pm, at the West Mesa Community Center, 5500 Glenrio Rd NW 87105.

WSD will provide the main dishes; you are asked to bring a side dish or dessert.

Our hard work paid off; all our West Side candidates won and won their elections by bigger margins than last time.

Watch for more details in coming weeks.

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