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February 13, 2024

The First Episode of "Red or Green" is out now!

Can you beat the heat?

That's the question we're taking to local Democrats in our new YouTube series: "Red or Green".

The series is a collaboration betwen DPBC and Young Democrats of New Mexico. In each episode, we put some of our favorite politicians in the hot seat as we match each of our questions with increasingly hotter salsas.

We dropped our first episode — with special guest Bernalillo County Assessor Damian Lara — last Thursday. Head to YouTube to wach it now, and make sure to subscribe!

We're releasing episodes every two weeks. Upcoming guests include:

  • Rep. Javier Martinez
  • DPNM Chair Jessica Velasquez
  • Sen. Harold Pope
  • State Auditor Joseph Maestas
  • Rep. Antoinette Sedillo-Lopez

The Pre-Primary Delegate Election Begins February 14

We ran a special edition of the Blue Review last week to announce that we re-opened registration for our pre-primary delegate election. We wanted everyone to get the chance to particpate either as a voter or by declaring themselves a candidate. With registration now closed again, we're excited to report a surge in registrants due to our extended timeline.

If you registered to participate in your ward's pre-primary delegate election, you should've received an email yesterday titled "Your Registration Certification + PIN." This email contains your voting PIN, which you'll need to cast your ballot. If you registered for the pre-primary and don't see this email, make sure to check your spam or junk folders. If you still can't find it, please email

Speaking of ballots, we'll email ballots out to registered participants on Wednesday, February 14. We know that's Valentine's Day, but we also believe there's nothing more romantic than voting in internal party elections with your partner. So, once you receive your ballot, make sure to fill out and submit it ASAP. (The voting period officially ends on Monday, February 19, at 8 pm.)

For more info on the pre-primary process, please read DPBC Chair Enriquez's amended call and check out the info below.

Updated Timeline

  • Wednesday, February 14. Ballots sent, voting period opens.
  • Monday, February 19. Voting period closes at 8 pm.
  • Saturday, February 24. County pre-primary convention. (More info coming soon.)
  • Saturday, March 9. State pre-primary convention. (UPDATE: This event is now being held virtually.)

Learn More

Stay Updated

  • Subscribe to the Blue Review. (Link at the top of the newsletter.)
  • Follow us on social media. (Links at the bottom of the page.)
  • Keep in contact with your Ward and Precinct Chair.

Don’t know who your Ward and Precinct Chairs are? Email with your name and voter ID, which you can find here, and we can help.

Reminder: Local Democrats Need Your Signatures!

Local Democratic candidates have until March 12 to collect enough signatures and appear on June's primary ballot.

The easiest way to help is by signing their nominating petition, which you can do at the New Mexico Secretary of State's website.

Just fill out your voter registration info, and the site will present you with every candidate whose petition you're eligible to sign. You're only allowed to sign the petition of one candidate per office.

Don't see a candidate you expected to be on there?

First, confirm your State Senate and House district to ensure you're eligible to vote for them. Second, reach out to the candidate directly and let them know they need to register with the NM Secretary of State to appear on their website.

Check the nominating petition website regularly — new candidates are being added as they register.

APS Board Finds Their Superintendent

By Sara Attleson

On February 5, the Albuquerque Public Schools Board of Education announced Dr. Gabriella Durán Blakey as the new superintendent of APS. She signed a two-year contract, and her official start date is June 1, 2024.

Dr. Blakey grew up in Albuquerque. She attended Sandia Base Elementary, Van Buren Middle School, and Highland High. Blakey earned her doctorate of education and Master of Arts in educational leadership from the University of New Mexico. She also holds a Bachelor of Science in secondary education from New Mexico State University.

Dr. Blakey began her career as a high school social studies and English language learner teacher. She has served APS for more than 20 years as a teacher, assistant principal, principal, and associate superintendent. Blakey is currently the district’s Chief Operations Officer, which oversees transportation, school meals, APS Police, and more than 16 million square feet of facilities

As superintendent, Blakey will lead the district in its new strategic plan to improve the academic outcomes for 68,000 students while overseeing the daily operations of more than 140 schools, leading 12,000 employees, and collaborating with students, educators, support staff, parents, elected officials, community members, and union partners to create opportunities for all students.

By selecting the next superintendent, the Board has fulfilled one of its duties. However, their work — and the work of BernCo Democrats — is not done.

Democrats understand that the foundation of our democracy is public education, and part of this foundation is an elected board of education. Democrats must vote in board elections, but voting is just part of the process.

Becoming involved citizens is critical. Whether we have students in our schools or not, we are all part of the stewardship of public education. It is our responsibility to ensure that the foundation does not crumble.

How do we do this? With the next school board elections held in November 2025, the best way to secure our foundation is by developing relationships with our school board representatives.

That means all Democrats should know their school board member and stay in contact with them. To have a say, we need to use our voice.

So, if you don't know what APS District you live in, check out these maps. You can also look it up through the New Mexico Secretary of State's website.

Then, add your school board representative to your email address book: 

The Blue Review will help keep you updated throughout the year. The APS Board of Education's website is another resource you can bookmark. 

Together, Democrats can keep the foundation of public education strong by being aware and involved.

5 Things, February 13 Edition

We're always on the lookout for articles, podcasts, YouTube videos, and other pieces of media to help inspire local Democrats. If there's something you read, watched, or listened to this week that impacted you, email us at with a link and a quick note about why you want to share it.

1. "In 2022, I wrote about seeking my homeless son. This is the rest of his story." The Washington Post

Pull quote: "In April of 2022, I wrote in The Post about searching with my husband for Andrey on the streets of Los Angeles County. I wondered: When people saw him sleeping on the sidewalk, unkempt and disoriented, did they understand that he had a story?"

2. "Bused From Texas to Manhattan, an Immigrant Struggles to Find Shelter," ProPublica

Pull quote: "New York hastily launched its new migrant reception system in the spring of 2022, and since then more than 170,000 people have passed through it. As with Ramon, some of them came on free buses from Texas, ending up in New York not because it was their chosen destination but because they had no other option. Many were part of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s initiative to funnel people entering the country into liberal cities and to export the stresses and tensions of the southern border into farflung parts of the country."

3. "More 'navigators' are helping women travel to have abortions," The 19th

Pull quote: "These 'navigators' can often recite from memory the names and locations of clinics throughout their region that offer abortion services at a given point in a pregnancy. Often, they can then name the hotel closest to the clinic. And some are so familiar with the most common airports for connecting flights that they can help patients find their next departure gate in real time."

4. "Paid family medical leave clears New Mexico Senate," Source NM

Pull quote: "Senate Bill 3 sets up a fund administered by the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions for employers and employees to pay into, that could eventually pay employees for a maximum of 12 weeks while they’re on leave for their own medical needs or that of a family member."

5. "Politics Newsletter: session’s end is nigh," New Mexico Political Report

Pull quote: "We have reached the 2024 legislative session’s final days.

Which means if they never heard the legislation you were following in the House or Senate, then sorry, maybe next year."

Submit your Community Announcements here. Deadlines are every Monday at noon.

Please note that DPBC does not issue endorsements in Democratic primary races. We encourage all Democratic candidates to submit events and engage our audience.

Madan Sara Film Screening and virtual Q&A

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Thursday, Feb 15. 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm

The Bleachers at New Mexico State University Art Museum.

Join the UAM in a screening of Etant Dupain’s award-winning documentary Madan Sara. After the screening, Director Etant Dupain and Producer Lu Childs will answer questions from the audience in a virtual Q&A.

The women known as madan sara in Haiti work tirelessly to buy, distribute, and sell food and other essentials in markets throughout the country. Despite the obstacles faced by the women working in a sector that lacks investment, infrastructure and state assistance, the madan sara continue to be one of the most critical parts of the Haitian economy and culture. The film Madan Sara tells the stories of these indefatigable women who work at the margins to make Haiti’s economy run. In the face of intense hardship and social stigma, the madan sara put their children through school, house their families, and ensure a better life for generations to come. This film amplifies the calls of the madan sara as they speak directly to the audience to share their dreams for a more just Haiti.

Watch the trailer for the film here:

Public Zoom Link for Q&A starting at approximately 5:50 pm MST:

Bregman for DA Days of Action

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Join Team Bregmen for 4 events over the next two weeks to help gather petition signatures and ensure Sam's name is on the ballot.

Saturday, February 17th, at 10 AM at 1228 Central Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102. Link:

Saturday, February 17th, at 1 PM at 3504 Isleta Blvd SW, Albuquerque, NM 87105. Link:

Saturday, February 24th, at 10 AM at 1228 Central Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102. Link:

Saturday, February 24th, at 1 PM at 3504 Isleta Blvd SW, Albuquerque, NM 87105. Link:

For any questions, feel free to contact Brittany at

Door Knocking and Petition Gathering With Julie Radoslovich

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Join Team Rad and South Valley Alumni volunteers as we touch base with Senate District 26 neighbors and collect petition signatures to help get Julie on the June 4 primary ballot. Just have a brief moment but are registered to vote in SD 26? Stop by to say hello, enjoy refreshments, and sign one of Julie's petitions! Can't make it this Saturday? RSVP to share your availability for future canvasses.

Saturday, February 17, 2024 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Crestview Bluff (address provided upon RSVP)

Group cavasses will occur every Saturday. If you prefer to join Julie on weekday afternoons and evenings, please let us know via the RSVP form.


To volunteer:

For more info:

Presidents' Day Social Gathering

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Join West Side Dems on President's day at Bosque Brewing, for a relaxed and fun get together. All Dems welcome!

Monday, February 19, 2024 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Bosque Brewing Co.

10250 Cottonwood Park NW

Albuquerque, NM 87114

Post Legislative Town Hall

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Join Senator Bill Tallman & Representatives Natalie Figueroa, Liz Thomson, Marian Matthews and Pamelya Herndon for a post legislative town hall.

Saturday, February 24, 2024 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Juan Tabo Library

3407 Juan Tabo Blvd. NE

Sign the Petition to get Matthias Swonger on the Ballot

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In over a decade as a public defender, I have seen how the criminal justice system is in need of repair. Fifty years of increasing mass incarceration has not made our communities safer. This is why I am running for Bernalillo County District Attorney as the only progressive candidate calling for change.

My platform is rooted in increasing accountability and transparency, prioritizing public safety, protecting peoples’ rights, and ending our over-reliance on jails and prisons to solve every problem. Visit to read more, sign the petition, donate, or volunteer.

Sign the nominating petition for Kaity Ellis!

Please consider signing my petition for the New Mexico State Senate District 20 seat Here's the link:

Your support in sharing it can give everyone in our community a voice this June.

For more info:

Sign Judge Shonnetta Estrada's Petition to Get on the Ballot

Registered Democrats in Bernalillo County can sign Judge Shonnetta Estrada's online petition to get on the 2024 ballot. Judge Estrada was appointed to the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court by the Governor and now must run in the 2024 Election to keep working for us on the bench.

Sign the petition here.

Sign My Petition - Get Phil Ramirez on the Ballot!

Sign the petition for my candidacy in Senate District 12 in Rio Rancho and the West Side of Albuquerque!

Virtual nominating petition link.

For more info, email

Sign My Petition - Get Bill Scott on the Ballot!

I'm running to defeat Gregg Schmedes in Senate District 19. My district covers Torrance County, Sandoval County, and the East Mountains of Bernalillo County including Edgewood, Cedar Crest, Tijeras, and the far NE Heights of Albuquerque.

Virtual nominating petition link.

For more information, click here.

Greg Seeley for Senate District 18

Follow Senate District 18 candidate Greg Seeley on social media:

Promote Your Events with DPBC

The Blue Review weekly newsletter reaches nearly 2,500 active Democrats and just as many social media accounts follow us across our various channels.

To submit an event for us to promote across our newsletter and social media feeds, use this link. Deadlines are every Monday at noon.

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Follow us on social media for DPBC updates, local politics info, and fun videos.

Stay current with what's going on in the party by bookmarking these websites.