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Courtesy of BoSacks and The Precision Media Group 
America's Oldest e-newsletter est.1993
BoSacks Speaks Out: On the Survival Rates Of Magazine Launches 2006-2016

Those who know me, my friends and family, will all tell you I'm an optimist. My wife Carol says that I don't see the cup half full, but rather I see it continuously spilling over. My perspective on me is that I look for the positive in all things. Sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not, but I prefer to look for the good rather than the negative. It's just what I do, and I have always been this way.

Which brings me to Professor Samir Husni's post titled "Mr. Magazine's Study Shows An Increase In Survival Rates Of Magazine Launches 2006 - 2015." Try as I might I can't find solace in his joyous observation that "almost two out of every ten new magazines launched ten years ago are still in business today." As a devoted optimist I can't seem to feel comfortable with an over 80 percent loss rate.

The Professor says the survival rate of new titles is on the increase. I guess that is good, but the increase of survival has apparently risen to a lofty 17% after ten years in business or an 83 percent loss rate.

These are not numbers I am comfortable with broadcasting as the proof of the sustainability of the print universe. Which brings me to something which does make me feel grounded and offers to me comfort that print does have future.

It starts with my belief that aggregates and statistical data don't give an accurate picture on an individual basis. Aggregates are averages, and average numbers can suggest mediocrity of a whole group or industry, but are not true for those above the median line.  Aggregate data takes supreme success and dumbs it down to commonality. It also assumes those under the center line are vast underperformers. Yet each business has its own criteria for success. Some publishers close down a circulation in the millions or nearly so, which they deem to be unsuccessful. For them perhaps the magazine is. For others this circulation is the dream achievement of a lifetime in business.

Business is, at the end of the day, about winners and losers. We keep score with spreadsheets and bottom lines. There have always been death and destruction in the magazine business, but there also have always been winners.  Perhaps that is Samir's point. That in this digital age of communication adjustment, the print community still has some winners, even if it's at the low 17 percent survival level. 

I stand by a previous statement of mine. All you have to do to survive the current non-Armageddon of publishing is to put out the most outstanding products possible for those who are still addicted and still hungry for printed reading products. The bottom line truth is that you have to give the readers what they want, on the substrate that they want, when they want it, and at that precise moment in time. Simple really. Just total excellence in every part of your enterprise executed every day, every month and every year. Is that so hard?

What do you think of the professor's optimistic observation of 2 in 10 surviving? Let's us know and It will be shared with the publishing community.  
I feel like a fugitive from the law of averages.
William H. Mauldin (1921 - 2003)

Dateline:  Charlottesville, VA
In This Issue

New Magazines Are Here To Stay: Mr. Magazine's Study Shows An Increase In Survival Rates Of Magazine Launches 2006 - 2015.

Posted by Samir Husni https://mrmagazine.wordpress.com/

Survival rates of new magazines are on the up.  More magazines are remaining in business after ten years of publishing despite all the news of doom and gloom some try to project.

Almost two out of every ten new magazines launched ten years ago are still in business today.  That rate of survival has been the domain of magazines launched four years ago.  The survival rate after four years is now at three out of ten titles remain in business.

The chart below looks at all the new magazine launched since 2006 until the end of 2015 with an intended frequency of four times or more (needless to say I have them all and they all fit my definition of what is a magazine, yes, you guessed it, ink on paper...)

Samir "Mr. Magazineā„¢" Husni's
New Magazine Launches and Survival Rates 2006 - 2015*
Year                            Total                  Total                  Survival
Launched                   Launches           Survived            Percentage
 2006:                           332                     57                       17.17%    
2007:                           245                    56                       22.86%
2008:                           195                    38                       19.49%
2009:                           197                     37                       18.78%
2010:                           190                     56                       29.47%
2011:                           176                     51                       28.98%
2012:                           237                     71                       29.96%
2013:                           195                     61                       31.28%
2014:                           232                     83                       35.78%
2015:                           236                     106                     44.92%
Total:                          2235                   616                     27.57%
*Source: Samir "Mr. Magazineā„¢" Husni's Guide to New Magazines and Mr. Magazine's Launch Monitor.
Numbers above represent magazines that were launched since 2006 with an intended frequency of 4 times or more.  The survival numbers reflect those magazines that are still being published as of August 15, 2016.

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"If you believe everything you read, perhaps you better not read." 

"Heard on the Web" Media Intelligence:   
Courtesy of  The Precision Media Group.   
Print, Publishing and Media Consultants 
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