Almost two out of every ten new magazines launched ten years ago are still in business today. That rate of survival has been the domain of magazines launched four years ago. The survival rate after four years is now at three out of ten titles remain in business.
The chart below looks at all the new magazine launched since 2006 until the end of 2015 with an intended frequency of four times or more (needless to say I have them all and they all fit my definition of what is a magazine, yes, you guessed it, ink on paper...)
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Samir "Mr. Magazineā¢" Husni's
New Magazine Launches and Survival Rates 2006 - 2015*
Year Total Total Survival
Launched Launches Survived Percentage
2006: 332 57 17.17%
2007: 245 56 22.86%
2008: 195 38 19.49%
2009: 197 37 18.78%
2010: 190 56 29.47%
2011: 176 51 28.98%
2012: 237 71 29.96%
2013: 195 61 31.28%
2014: 232 83 35.78%
2015: 236 106 44.92%
Total: 2235 616 27.57%
*Source: Samir "Mr. Magazineā¢" Husni's Guide to New Magazines and Mr. Magazine's Launch Monitor.
Numbers above represent magazines that were launched since 2006 with an intended frequency of 4 times or more. The survival numbers reflect those magazines that are still being published as of August 15, 2016.