PROJECT PARKS AND PLAY - At the February 26 COW meeting, consultants from BerryDunn provided an update on the Comprehensive and Strategic Planning process and outlined the steps immediately ahead, including the next round of community
engagement. See BerryDunn's presentation here
SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION - On Tuesday, February 6, the Park District suffered multiple system shutdowns and restarts before suspending resident summer camp registration altogether. The system issues were specific to a server that was overwhelmed by the volume of traffic experienced.
This incident accelerated a planned project for 2024 of moving the registration software to the cloud. Our software provider suggested the District add a waiting room, or "Virtual Lobby" function to the online registration process to ensure even the cloud-based system is not overwhelmed with too many
simultaneous connections. District staff explored many options when considering new camp registration dates and times. Realizing that no single day and time was going to work perfectly for the entire community, they set resident camp registration for Saturday, February 24 at 9 a.m., and non-resident registration the following Saturday. With the new cloud-based system and Virtual Lobby in place, both February 24 and March 2 registration days went smoothly.
The Park District is committed to improving the program registration process in every way possible for our residents. Look for a survey in the near future: we want to hear your thoughts and ideas.