FIVE NEW PARK LANDSCAPE PLANS UNDER REVIEW- At the April 15 Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting, Parks Planner Alissa Paquette presented new landscape plans for Wheeler, Earlywine, Forest, Shorewood and Mallinckrodt parks. Discussion about the park plans will continue at the Board’s May 13 regular Board meeting.
DISCUSSION ABOUT GARDEN PLOT WAITLISTS - Also at the April 15 COW meeting, the Board discussed garden plot waitlists with Kristi Solberg, Superintendent of Parks and Planning. Currently, 102 individuals await a Park District garden plot. Solberg noted 15 people were allocated plots last week, a positive trend. Wait times have improved to 1-3 years, shorter than before. The Board agreed the 80/20 resident/non-resident ratio was fair and decided against imposing limits on non-residents. Solberg will continue to streamline plot management processes.
PICKLEBALL COURTS, LINES UPDATE - Also at the COW meeting, Commissioners discussed the status of courts available for pickleball play around the District. Members of the Wilmette Pickleball Association attended and expressed views on the Hibbard courts, set for resurfacing in the fall. Currently, Hibbard's four tennis courts have pickleball and tennis lines. The Board reviewed a resurfacing proposal that would line two courts for tennis only and convert the other two into six dedicated pickleball courts. This proposal will be considered for approval at the Board's May 13 meeting.
PARK DISTRICT HOLDS BOND HEARING - The Board of Park Commissioners held a public hearing on April 8 to gather input on the District's plan to sell $5.5 million in bonds. The District intends to issue the bonds in May. At their April 15 COW meeting, the Board discussed options for terms and structure of the bonds. The funds will be allocated for land acquisition, park construction, maintenance, and related expenses.