Consideration of Pickleball Courts
In April, the Board has received verbal and written communications from neighbors near Community Playfields, along with members of the pickleball playing community, expressing support for adding pickleball to the existing courts at the Playfields without building brand new courts north of the existing bank of northern courts.
Based on this input, the Board directed Park District staff to continue evaluating that concept exclusively. They asked questions about creating six pickleball courts on two tennis courts instead of four; adding acoustic material to mitigate noise; whether Village special use/zoning permits will be required; and reviewed estimated costs, closely looking for possible savings.
District staff confirmed with the Village of Wilmette that special use/zoning permits will not be necessary, as the footprint for the project will not change. Staff also presented a concept drawing to illustrate how six pickleball courts would fit on two tennis courts, noting that to get six courts to fit, the spacing around the courts will not meet USA Pickleball's minimum requirements, which means no official USA Pickleball tournaments could be held on those courts. Non-official tournament play is possible, however; and all expressed comfort with that limitation, and with the spacing of the courts as drawn.
Sound specialist Dr. Tom Thunder has been engaged to perform a sound study in the court location, to help assess the value of the sound mitigation material, so a final decision related to that cost can be made with all the relevant information in hand.
The goal: finalize the plan and bids in time to complete construction in 2023. This would allow the District to utilize funds available as a result of their intergovernmental agreement with the Village of Wilmette for their recently completed stormwater project.
For much more detail about Park District research and discussion with regard to pickleball, we encourage you to read 2023 Agenda Packets and Minutes from 2003 meetings here, and past issues of Board Brief here.**
Gillson Park Comprehensive Plan Projects
Engineers from Gewalt Hamilton and Associates have been busy working on the development of plans that add a sidewalk along Harbor Drive and reduce Middle Road to a non-vehicular path. This work includes survey work, sewer examination, and meeting with District staff. The plan: have bid documents ready this summer so construction can begin in September.