During the March 18 COW meeting, the Board of Park Commissioners discussed a pivotal staff proposal aimed at enhancing safety and making swimming available at Gillson's South Beach.
Currently, the area south of Gillson's main swimming beach is open to the public without charge, however no lifeguards are present and swimming is not allowed.
The proposal transforms South Beach into a lifeguard-stationed swimming beach, accessible by a modest daily fee to cover staff and maintenance costs. The same slat dune fence used for the main swimming beach would surround South Beach. Two or three entrances would allow access.
Beach walkers would still be allowed to walk along the water's edge, and kayak/SUP launches would continue to be available on the north and south sides of the designated swimming area.
Acknowledging the persistent challenges faced by Lakefront staff in enforcing regulations and ensuring the welfare of visitors, the Board expressed concern over escalating reports of conflicts at the beach, many of which surround enforcement of the "no swimming" rule. The solution to allow safe swimming offers a more enjoyable beach experience for everyone. As a result, they directed staff to advance the planning process. More details will be available soon.
PROJECT PARKS AND PLAY - Park District Staff and consultants from BerryDunn hosted a community Town Hall meeting on March 14. The consulting team began with a presentation about the District's comprehensive and strategic planning process. Following the presentation, consultants and District staff were available to answer questions and receive feedback from participants. The team also collected input through a new community-wide survey in March. Survey results will be available soon.