Langdon Shoreline Protection and Beach Access Project
Temporary Access Path: The permit from the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District was received on Thursday, July 27. The same day, Park District staff submitted the final required documents to the Village of Wilmette, and are hopeful to begin temporary path construction soon.
Long-Term Bluff Revetment and Beach Access: Thank you to those who responded to our survey regarding two ramp design options for a permanent Langdon Beach access path. We received 285 responses, and the majority preferred option B: shorter path (60 percent), and no stairs (65 percent). For more about the survey, go to page 99 of the July 10 meeting agenda packet.
A final decision regarding permanent access to Langdon Beach has not been made.
Over both July meetings, the Board of Park Commissioners have been engaged in extensive discussion regarding Langdon, and considerable input from the community has been received. The Board is invested in thoroughly examining beach accessibility and how ADA compliance impacts the project. All agree that accessibility for all is a steadfast priority.
As these discussions continue, SmithGroup plans to present alternative material options for the ramp and discuss landscape design at the August 14 Regular Board Meeting.
West Park Platform Tennis Club Enhancements
The hut expansion project moved forward quickly in July, with most of the cement work–basement, foundation, retailing walls, parking spaces–largely complete. Windows and an awning have been installed and plumbing work is underway.
Construction of the two new platform tennis courts is beginning, with completion anticipated by early September.
Pickleball Courts
Thank you for the continued, enthusiastic feedback about the courts at Hibbard Park!
The bids to reconstruct the tennis courts at Community Playfields, and convert two tennis courts into six pickleball courts, was approved by the Board at the July 10 board meeting. Construction is estimated to begin the second week of August.