Wallace Bowl Restoration Project
The Ouilmette Foundation continues to collaborate with a consultant to conduct a feasibility study to assess funding for restoration work at Wallace Bowl. The Foundation recently sent personalized letters and preliminary documents to potential supporters, seeking their input and backing for the project. Consultants are working to arrange meetings with these individuals. In addition, the Foundation Board and consultants recently engaged in a focus group on the topic. The Foundation invites the community to its Back the Bowl Bash fundraising event on June 22.
Langdon Shoreline Protection Project
Bids for this project were opened on May 21 after a pre-bid meeting on April 23. District staff are navigating the permit review process with the Village of Wilmette.
Gillson Park Infrastructure Improvements
Permit review processes with the Village of Wilmette are ongoing, with bid documents released to the public on May 9 and bid opening scheduled for May 30.
Solar Panel Project at the
Community Recreation Center
Verde Energy is addressing concerns and finalizing plans for the solar panel project at the CRC, making progress on design and permit acquisition.